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Everything posted by thepixiesrock

  1. That isn't his circular logic. He is just using your circular logic against you.
  2. But I can make the shot Wals! I can make the shot!
  3. In Home Improvment Tim and Al were taken to jail. They were here in Michigan though.
  4. The first time I played after updating ran better than ever. But now when I go back it runs pretty poorly. Maybe I changed some settings I shouldn't have.
  5. Without this patch my game is running horribly. I have everything on the lowest settings, and it looks terrible and plays terribly. Maybe this new patch might fix these problems. It's a fairly new laptop, so I thought I'd be ok, and my first play through when I first got the game like, six months ago, wasn't super good, but it was good enough to be playable. Just minor lag. Now it' getting pretty bad. My computer must really suck or soemthing.
  6. Ok, these patches are downloading a lot better today.
  7. I'd imagine stuff like this would just screw up ebay so they have all kinds of strict limits in order for someone to buy something now.
  8. Wh...

    Why aren't you a mod anymore? : (

  9. Oh wait, nevermind, it was timed out again. **** this.
  10. Shoot! My progress has decreased to one fourth it's original speed!
  11. I'm averaging about 1% every minute. Just 75 minutes left guys!
  12. My download has been timed out twice. This is the worst internet ever.
  13. No free e-mail accounts? What the crap kind of cult is this?
  14. Jeesus, how long does it take to update from 1.05 to this new version? Cripes.
  15. I just want to play as a freaking Genasi already.
  16. Hey thanks.
  17. So when is it going t be released here in the US? Like, how close to the beginning of October?
  18. The ****roach is just in there because of Mohinder's lecture.
  19. I still don't understan what OSIN means.
  20. Yeah, I hate to agree with Hades here, but he doesn't fly off, he just vanishes, like he usually does. It's been speculated though, that either he has levitation abilities, through an actual levetation ability, or through his telekeisis as Tale said, because the woman with super hearing said soemthing like "I didn't hear your footsteps" and Sylar was all like "That's because there weren't any" or soemthing. I don't really remember a hooded guy, I remember Sylar in a hat, and maybe with a hood over his hat, but I think that this hooded guy from the first seasn that you are all talking about was just Sylar.
  21. You know Astro, I have the first season on DVD if you want to borrow it. You know, in case you might have missed some episodes the first time around...
  22. It's funny because Astro wrote that himself.

  23. Yeah, what the crap?
  24. Also, I think he said soemthing more like "I never thought it'd be you" impling that it wasn't like, a group of people doing this, but just one. I also think Hiro's dad said something about how it was one of the original heroes who was behind the murders, but he used the example of Linderman's death to back that up, and Linderman wasn't killed by one of the original heroes, so it's not a stretch to assume that he doesn't really know what he is talking about when he claims it's probably one of the original heroes who is after them. But I still think we could be wrong.
  25. But the entire group of old heroes knew Nathan and Peter, becuase they were part of the group's plans to blow up New York. So it makes sense that Hiro's father knew who Nathan was.
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