Would you feel the same way if it wasn't religion though? What about Gun? You kill a lot of Native American's in that game, and that can be seen as extremely offensive, especially to native american people. If someone was reviewing the game for a Native American demographic, it'd be silly not to mention it, and take into account that fact if you were reveiwing the game. Surely you wouldn't attack them for their "Native American Bias." This website's demographic is a religious one, and as such they are free to review based on that, and rightfully so. It's dreadfully apparent to me, and surely, other people, that you're just reaching for something religious to angst out at.
I never said the ESRB did, nor did I say the ESRB was a Christian organization. I merely stated that I thought it pandered to much to the conservative, religious wing in America.
But wouldn't you think the ESRB would have to be more conservative by nature, considering what it is that they are doing? I mean, the system is set up to give an idea of what to expect from the game as far as content, with the intention of trying to help a parent understand what it is that their child is playing. If a parent feels that the child can handle it, then it's fine, the parent can buy it. I mean, what would a more liberal system do? It would cause contreversy for conservative people, where their kids could potentially get their hands on soemthing that they don't want them to have. The way it's set up now, parents who care that much can keep the games out of the childs hands, and other parent's who feel it's fine can get the game for the kid. Is this really a big issue for you? Kids not getting their hands on violent games easily? I mean, if that isn't even it, and you're just complaining about how you don't like it because you think it's too "conservative," then you're still being pretty ridiculous.