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Everything posted by SenSx

  1. Yes ennemies not respawning is worrying for me... That basically means once you killed everyone, there is nothing left to do, even just for fun. I know it's a thing in many RPG, but in a more immersive one like that it becomes more glaring. And actually even PoE 2 allows you to do infinite combats in the arena DLC.
  2. Ok thanks, that seems to be a good balance. And of course, pistol in off hand is probably considered as dual wield, so no block/parry ?
  3. Yes ok thanks, is there any advantage to play 1h melee weapon with no off hand weapon ? Can you block / parry with only 1h weapon ? That could be an option for me.
  4. Yea it might remove a good part of the gameplay...Unless you get huge defensive advantages as well, like better dodge. Spamming attacks is ok, but if you cannot avoid anything in return... I don't see myself using a shield or a 2H weapon in that kind of games, not my style.
  5. Ok thanks for the answers. Well sneak attack does not necessary means attack from stealth but well... I'm worried about dual wield though, you cannot block or parry ? That's a huge downside, and not sure if I would want to play with a shield or 2H weapon, that's not my style.
  6. Hello, I haven't purchased the game yet, but I'm a PoE fan and I wonder what build options are in this game. I usually play a fast melee rogue character, and can it be translated in this game ? Is dual wield good ? Are daggers viable ? Are there sneak attacks like in PoE of some sort ? (I mean damage bonus if ennemies have debuff or are near companion like some sort of flanked statut ?) If not I hope it can be implemented in the game (maybe patchs or mods, if that does not break the game). Also are Bows viable compare to guns ? Thanks
  7. Well actually I did hesitate to make another thread for that reason. But I did continue on this topic because I felt it also concerned dual wield. Lonlon => Impossible to parry at all in Avowed if you dual wield ? (By parrying you mean just blocking at the right timing ? Thats a shame if that's it, or dual wield better have good advantages to compensate).
  8. I don't have the game yet, but I wonder if that is possible to build some kind of rogue character ? Is the sneak attack implemented in the game ? If not do you think it will be possible in the future via patchs or mods ? Maybe not exactly like how it works in PoE, maybe there are not enough debuffs type for that in Avowed, but maybe more damage on poisoned ennemies or ennemies next to a companion ? Also are bows viable compare to guns ?
  9. Yes, that might be that. If you play only one character, a heavily class based character might be too limiting while not offering enough synergies and possibilites without other party members. It could be limiting, or very hard to make without those limitations.
  10. Can't wait to finally play BG3. I'm a bit worried about the gameplay and combat, as tapletop ruleset do not translate well in video games in my opinion, this is just fan service. I much prefer built in system just for that media.
  11. Yes I mostly picking the weapons for passives, wether I choose the healing or the max health reduction on ennemies won't make a huge difference given Vatnir patheric melee damage. But I don't see the point of Silver Moon anyway other than ennemies healing themselves, which is VERY VERY situationnal, very rarely usefull.
  12. Oh ok thanks a lot Chaospread ! I will probably choose lunar excellence for Vatnis as he has more ice spells. Though I prefer to pick Golden Sun enchantment for the heal effect on weapon attacks even if it does not synergise well with the other enchantment lunar excellence, the Silver Moon ice version does not seem great.
  13. Hello, I have a quick question about Sun and Moon flail. Do lunar and solar excellence have 5% to repeat attacks after 0,5 secs with ice or fire attacks. Does it only work with melee attacks or also with spells ? I'm trying a build with Vatnis priest, to stack items with a chance to repeat spells (Marux Amanth, Vithrack Silk Slippers), and I wonder if Sun and Moon flail can improve that even more. Thanks
  14. Ok, might be hard to find the proper command name and maybe impossible then. I remember I tried to 100% the bestiary in PoE 1 as well, and never could find the new giant golem ennemies' names.
  15. Oh I just forgot the underscore, silly me Thanks a lot Boeroer ! As for the Eoten Troglodyte I don't really remember either, maybe they were on temporary map locations ? Like the Sun-scorched Valley, I remember Eoten here. Or maybe other temporary SSS locations, I remember Eoten there as well, not sure. I know you fight one in the Pāhowane cave near Neketaka, but it's probably a normal one.
  16. Hello, I'm trying to finish my bestiary but I'm missing some ennemy entries: Elder flame bat Naga Shaman (not the coral or flamme ones) Eoten troglodyte Does anyone know their console command name for summoning them ? Can't find any ressources for that. Thanks
  17. I really wish those two would be friends. Eder isn't a fan of Xoti and her faith at the begining, but for some reason he managed to reach full +2 disposition with her, while Xoti who seems to be more interested in him than he is in her, his stuck at +1 for the whole game... Is there a way to legit make her +2 with Eder or are there just no dialogues that allow to reach enough positive disposition for that ? Thanks
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  18. Ok just found the solution on the comments sections of the mod... I replaced on of the file by another I had to download and it worked. "I downloaded the pillars.py file posted from this link and replaced the existing .py file in the PoE 2 -> Plugins -> Console -> Lib folder, the console showed up after starting the game: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1TS89p2G7ifKwTKOO7ZzOtDiLOu8R8q1_ Sorry for the useless thread again.
  19. Hello, Does any body manage to make Unity Console for PoE2 work on current version of the game ? https://www.nexusmods.com/pillarsofeternity2/mods/2?tab=description The mod does not seem to be updated anymore. I'm trying to remove the cruel disposition of my character, and the negative disposition with one of the faction, but could not find any other way other than this mid. Unfortunately nothing appears on my screen after installing. If you know any other way to make the change I want other than with that mod, I'm all ears. Thanks
  20. I have noticed 2 issues, I don't know if those are bugs or not. Kapana Taga: the tooltip says:"+0% damage for each engaged ennemy" (instead of 3% damage increase) I don't know if it's just a tooltip error or also if damage bonus does not apply. Sun and Moon: I don't notice fire and freeze damage in the tooltip. I also have a question for this weapon: solar and lunar excellence give 5% chance to repeat burn or freeze attacks...does it work with spells as well or only combat attacks that deal burn or freeze damage ? Thanks
  21. I found the sollution. The lines appear to be correct, but for some reason they do not work if you wright the companion name yourself, you need to make it appear with the tab key. So copy the line: LevelUpSoulbind Companion Then use tab key untill the name of the concerned companion name appears (it should show the ones in the party). then add the item name you can copy it from the wiki on internet, for exemple: LAX02_Plate_Armor_Soulbound_Guardians_Plate The final line is indeed: LevelUpSoulbind Companion_Pallegina(clone) LAX02_Plate_Armor_Soulbound_Guardians_Plate But the "Pallegina(clone)" has to be chosen with tab and not entered by yourself. I don't explain that... Also you can copy the entire line this time, and paste it and directly use it for the next upgrades, no need for tab anymore this time it will work.
  22. Hello, I'm trying some console commands to upgrade Soulbound items on my characters. Most of them worked, but for some reason, I can't get the following working: LevelUpSoulbind lax02_companion_vatnir(Clone) Dagger_Soulbound_Marux_Amanth LevelUpSoulbind Companion_Pallegina(clone) LAX02_Plate_Armor_Soulbound_Guardians_Plate LevelUpSoulbind Companion_Pallegina(clone) LAX02_Shield_Large_Soulbound_Wintertide_Bulwark LevelUpSoulbind Companion_Ydwin(clone) LAX03_Robe_Armor_Soulbound_Robes_Of_The_Weyc LevelUpSoulbind Companion_Konstanten(clone) Pollaxe_Soulbound_Lord_Darryns_Voulge I don't know what's wrong with these lines. The game tells me: Command or script "levelupsoulbind" parameter error ambigous GameObject name But it did work for other items and characters so I don't understand... Thanks for help
  23. Essential Phantom + Caedebald's Blackbow will be godly => Terrified auto attacks with both wizard and the summon. But Caedebald's Blackbow is a late game spell. Later on you will get a cloak that gives bonus to your wizard, and an peer rest summon that basically gives you about 5 essential Phantoms at the same time, all wearing Caedebald's Blackbow for mass terrified affliction on ennemies, completely broken. You cannot summon the lone essential phantom with it though, it will cancel the other.
  24. Yes ok I need to check in combat with Vatnir for exemple, if spells make it disappear. My own friendfire spells did not work.
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