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Everything posted by Kl3in

  1. If he's like me, I still don't understand how ship battles work -- I've always boarded, and I'd have to stop and learn how they work with cannons ... Haha, for sure i know how ship battles work. But killing enemies is just more fun then sink them.
  2. Just try and error. It took me around 5-10 reloads to get their Unique loot by boarding and killing them.
  3. What about Concelhauts Visage? Was it +PL or +% Corrode dmg? Cant remember and iam not at pc :/
  4. Its possible doing it solo. Have done it by myself 2 times. Clicked the switches random until it works. Just try and error. Good luck ;-)
  5. You might read it in my thread about easy stealing. I fixed and corrected my statement. I thought loot could be random but its fix.
  6. Iam standing next to any enemy, pause the game, hovering with mouse cursor over my opponent, push my hotkey for Soul Annihilation (bind on Q), damage is applied (while game is paused). ---> Damage is spammable this way. I hope this bug will get fixed very soon :D Edit: Sorry, wrong forum ;/ pls move
  7. try to wait 1-3 minutes till your black screen turns to running game. i got the same problem. this way i "solved" the problem^^
  8. Ist der Mod mit dem 1.1 beta Patch kompatibel? Habe dazu nichts gefunden :/
  9. Cleared 1.1 Solo on PotD with Paladin/Cipher without cheesing. Only trouble situations in scripted events when 5+ enemys surround you. Stacking armor + stacking passiv heal + borrowed instinct + soul ignition + desintegration was the way to go
  10. Is the item in the box permanently generated after the first time you visit the shop area, or does it change with every load? Anyways, amazing find, you can easily save 100k and get some op gear right in the beginning. As i can see, the item is permanently generated. I haven't noticed any changes so far.
  11. Easy method to steal vendors most valuable items without spending points in stealth: First of all: You need Bounding Boots (blue random? drop/loot (can't remember where to get them, but in lategame you will have found this boots 2 or 3 times)) 1. Unlock the chest you want to loot 2. Position yourself out of sight --> wait till your cirlce isn't red/yellow anymore 3. Jump with Leap next to your target 4. Once you hit the ground --> push pause --> click chest while game is paused --> unpause 5. Item should be lootable without beeing seen by NPCs Once you move again, the stealth circle will start filling For example i stole this way: Grave Calling and Patinated Plate in Crookspur Devil of Caroc Breastplate in Periki's Overlook Scordeos Trophy in the Brass Citadel and many more. Edit: The content of the boxes are fix.
  12. In my opinion Concelhauts Crushing Doom is absolutly nuts. That spell is doing more and more damage per hit (hardest hit was round about 200dmg) + target ist knocked down the whole time. Actually Crushing Doom is ONLY affected by Might (and not by +Illusion and +Concelhauts Spell Powerlevel). When this will be fixed, Crushing Doom will be bonkers!
  13. I killed him by boarding on my last try and it finally dropped
  14. Cleared the game three times. Two times that sword did not drop. Last time i got lucky. It seems to be random :/
  15. You have to drag the popup window of wildsprint somewhere else. I think your mouse is hovering over a talent icon which is behind the popup. Could that be? Popup windows seem to be transparent
  16. I will do the same :D
  17. Personally i dont need any kind of PvP-Style in PoE 2. I would like to enjoy some co-op sessions with a friend of mine. While nearly every old RPG has multiplayer elements, why its that hard/expensive to implement this to PoE 2?
  18. I would love to get a singing sword for Chanters to buff their phrases
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