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Everything posted by Llyranor

  1. Thanks! I'm going with Halo2! You guys were very helpful.
  2. I need a new game, and these two come to mind. Which should I choose?
  3. Let's talk about our exes! Go 360!
  4. Or, you could trade it in for some of this http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=38754
  5. Buy me a 360 too and it's a deal!
  6. Hopefully MS will be giving away free copies of the 360 for every purchase of PNJ.
  7. What? You guys are activating the Bill Gates assassination protocol without me?
  8. Tales of Symphonia!!!
  9. It may be a good game, but it will NOT be a successor to Close Combat. It will be a successor to Dawn of War, with improvements regarding micromanagement and so on. The devs have already stated that they'll be building on DoW's success and retaining the fast pace of that game. I've kind of lost interest in the game because of that. I'd rather just stick with Faces of War - another type of WW2 game, the sequel to Soldiers: Heroes of WW2 (which is already out, and which already has fully destructible environments with realistic physics, and AI knowing to take cover behind bunkers/walls/craters/vehicles and getting out of grenades' way). The difference is that this game has a direct control mode that allows you to get in 'action' mode with one of your units. Add to that a built-in 4-player coop mode that can play through all the missions available in the game. Coop > all. The successor to Close Combat is Red Phoenix http://www.closecombat.com/future/future.html And it looks like the dev team will consist of a lot of members of the old CC team. http://www.closecombat.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=49 In any case, after this thread, I've finally looked into Combat Mission. I am definitely looking forward to the upcoming ones, especially once 'CoPlay' is made available.
  10. The fact is that you didn't steal any of it for us to use. Your failure is complete. In any case, I'll just... use the name.
  11. No, give more money to Obs!
  12. This is in regard to the legendary KOTOR mod that saw the light of day http://www.freewebs.com/kotor2/information.htm Some of you might know of this since you were in the team before (the fact of which isn't sad at all, huh? HUH?) Am I free to assume that I am not infringing in any copyright crap if I use the 'The Chosen One Must Choose' name for my own bitter and twisted personal motives? It sounds like I have free reign, I just want to double-check.
  13. Will KOTOR3 allow us to dualwield saberstaves?
  14. Oddly enough, in Brothers In Arms (and FPS, OMG, burn the heretic!!!! MWAHAHAHAHAHA BURN!!!!!!!!), you could have a very good command of your squad without actually having controllable NPCs. Yep, it's a FPS, so you were basically only controlling your character. There was a good command scheme that allowed you to give quick orders to your allies. Suppress these baddies, move to the location, rush them now! This allowed some cool enough tactics. One team would be suppressing the enemy, while you commanded another to sneak around back and flank them. Furthermore, this was in the context of AI-controlled NPCs. They were smart enough to take cover wherever they were, or retaliate well enough if you didn't give any orders. That would be more what 'a leader barking orders' would be like, not absolute control. If anything like that, the AI should be self-sufficient, with you giving more specific orders some of the time. The problem really is that AI in most RPGs can be really dumb, dumber than some forum members here. Casting inappropriate spells, walking into traps, etc. That, and the control scheme in NWN was abysmal. The orders they allowed you were pretty crappy.
  15. http://nwvault.ign.com/View.php?view=articles.detail&id=14 "NWN2 will now have companions instead of henchmen and Ferret was particular in mentioning that the word "Henchmen" isn't something used anymore. Players will be able to control up to three of them, out of a pool of ten choices. So if you include the main character you play, that creates a party of four, thus making up the quintessential D&D party of fighter, magic user, cleric and thief, if you so chose. What's really cool is that you will be able to control them much like Baldur's Gate, where you can switch between them to assign commands into their queue, which will execute while you go to the other characters. This was another area which received a lot of complaints when NWN first came out, so I'm sure a lot of people will be happy. As you plan out your strategy and switch between companions, the viewing angle will remain the same, as this is the most preferred method to avoid from getting disorientated. They also mentioned that you will be able to control the leveling up process for the characters, though how much is still unknown at this point."
  16. Definitely controlled. I could care less how 'immersive' playing along with stupid AI is. Ironically, this only applies to RPGs. In a squad-based FPS (Call of Duty comes to mind), having AI-controlled allies backing me up really helped with getting into the game.
  17. Rainbow6 IV will rock more! Screw the planning phase! Let's add respawn! Run while scoped! Go Ubisoft go! Winner.
  19. Supreme Commander! Mark of Chaos! Faces of War! Sins of a Solar Empire! NWN! DA! Armed Assault! Operation Flashpoint 2! Dark Messiah! UT2k7!
  20. FFXI is indeed the only Squenix game on 360 confirmed so far.
  21. I want a real Wuxia setting, not some awkward compromise like Jade Empire.
  22. Ultimately, it's all about the software. The console which will carry the next-gen version of this, for example, will win the console wars. Software > all.
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