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Everything posted by Llyranor

  1. Oh yeah, and of course, the console that support Fallout 3: The Chosen One Must Choose wins by default.
  2. With Obsidian, Bioware, and Mistwalker supporting the 360, that would probably be the system I would support, if EVER I was to get back into console gaming. Squenix and the PS3 is nice and all, but the company hasn't made anything worth my attention in the past 4-5 yrs, so meh. Besides, it will support the 360 to some extent, so we'll see. As for the Revolution, there really isn't any genre that I could see the new controller being better than the mouse, EXCEPT for some swordplay game. Swashbuckling galore!
  3. I've been playing a lot of coop Soldiers: Heroes of WW2 recently. Also, back to NWN modding. I missed the toolset.
  4. Thanks :ph34r:
  5. Fallout 3: The Chosen One Must Choose is not a GAME. It is a way of life. Graphical innovation makes it an INNOVATIVE way of life.
  6. Are you kidding me? What's NOT vastly superior about the 360? Don't you see how innovative these graphics are? I mean, people aren't willing to do this for no reason http://forums.obsidianent.com/index.php?showtopic=38754 360 will have Fallout 3: The Chosen One Must Choose. That alone makes it revolutionary. Add to that graphical innovation, and every household needs it. No one will ask how you acquired it.
  7. It seems that everytime a DnD CRPG is announced, psionics is one of the things requested, yet never gets considered. Not being a PnPer, I have no idea what psionics is. I've looked up it, but have gotten mostly vague stuff. What exactly is psionics? Some sort of psychic magic? Can anyone learn psionic? If yes, how so? Through books, masters, or what? If not, are you born with this power? Bop.
  8. I've never played it, but IGN just gave it the PS2 GotY award. And we all know IGN matters :ph34r:
  9. Meh, if that confusion means more sales for Obs, boohoo.
  10. You're supposed to buy everyone copies of Fallout. BURN THE HERETIC
  11. Yeah, I'd recommend everyone at least check out the demo. The combat system is loads of fun.
  12. Hmm, well, I wasn't that big a fan of Fallout's combat system. Controlling one character in turn-based, urg.
  13. Dark Messiah :D
  14. If only NWN2 would have TOEE's combat system
  15. If only NWN2 were TB ;_; DM sessions would be so much cooler.
  16. Yeah, pretty much. I love GW, but its real-time elements are really starting to kill it. When twitch and reflexes get in the way of tactics, not good. This is why TacO would be a boon for me.
  17. On the other hand, this ensures each battle is unique, each opponent is individually customized, and that you aren't fighting potentially-predictable AI. Add to this no monthly fees. Yay.
  18. All of your TB lovers need to keep updated on this game http://www.tacticaonline.com
  19. The coolest thing I think to happen to game music recent is http://www.directsong.com Whether you're sick of Jeremy Soule or not is irrelevant, the fact that this will allow players to purchase additional music built specifically for new games is very good news. 6 bucks for 60 new minutes of music for Guild Wars was a very good deal. Having more music for the games I love = good.
  20. Bah. probably my favorite localization company. First Troika, now WD. GJ industry.
  21. Screw the 360. I want world peace.
  22. It's not just one level. There's a 'campaign', a couple of single missions (4-5?), as well as 7 multiplayer maps that can be played hotseat or on LAN (didn't see any netplay). Basically, you assign commands for your squad, then let it unfold. 20 secs of real-time occurs, where everyone does their thing. Then, more commands, then 20 secs more, and so on. The production values are better than I would have expected (COPS *was* horrible, after all). That being said, Mistland should not be freaking making JA3. I want a good company to make that
  23. I guess you guys should stay away from this NWN mod http://nwvault.ign.com/View.php?view=modules.Detail&id=4108
  24. Crappy real-time combat is crappy. Good real-time combat is not. Crappy turn-based combat is crappy. Good turn-based combat is not. End of story.
  25. Japan? What about Canada??? http://www.canada.com/topics/bodyandhealth...772b&k=63631?31
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