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Everything posted by Llyranor

  1. My level 99 Cloud could wipe out your puny lvl 17 wizard! KNIGHTS OF THE ROUND!!!
  2. The new remake is like 700 pages or something. Too bad it's PDF only
  3. He didn't choose. He was chosen.
  4. Dangerous Waters' 570 page spiral-bound manual > all
  5. Hmm, so Gollum was the Chosen One. I see.
  6. Wait, didn't Sam save the day?
  7. YAHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!! The tilesets from Pirates were very nice.
  8. Or hire a hitman and off all his municipality's officials! Win-win!
  9. I wanna be a Drome!
  10. There's Monkey Balls by Sega. Hudson is working on a flight game. Nintendo confirmed a SSB (launch title? not sure), and at least a brand new IP. The new GC Zelda will use some of the Rev's functionality too. I don't remember the rest, but ~20 launch titles, with 1/3 being first-party (or was it 2/3?)
  11. Whatever feels appropriate for the story.
  12. Heh. This sounds like the best E3 in the past few years. Anyway, remember the Dolphin?
  13. Or both
  14. And you don't know if you'll finish it till you play it.
  15. Someone's bitter. You deserved what you got for breaking the law <_<
  16. Good old reliable CNN, my #1 source for all things gaming, has once again wowed the community. http://money.cnn.com/2006/04/24/commentary...aming/index.htm
  17. Teehee, some moron was just talking to me about how Monkey Balls would actually be pretty cool with the Rev's controller.
  18. NWN2's not going to be able to help much on that end, either, given the late entry. JE was supposed to be a sub-lead designer for core game mechanics in PNJ, but I guess it's somewhat safe to assume he's focusing on NWN2 now.
  19. Or you could skip your bloody lectures
  20. Hmm, that's fairly late, though. Not sure if Nick will be able to make it.
  21. I'm not big on replaying CRPGs, actually. Other genres I'm more inclined to, but that may just have to do with their being driven by gameplay, whereas CRPG gameplay tends to be... lacking. Given the painfully linear stories for the most part, there's little incentive. A failing of the genre in its current state, if anything. Someday, I might replay PST, or KOTOR2. Those are the only two, I think. You couldn't pay me to replay the BG saga.
  22. I didn't just sign you up for a bunch of junk mail, so don't worry.
  23. This looks pretty suspect and it's fairly ambiguous, but you could try emailing them http://www.dirtcheapsoftware.com/fallout1and2.html
  24. Erm, yeah... I'll provide moral support.
  25. And food.
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