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Everything posted by Llyranor

  1. Yeah, skipping on Morrowind's story must have sucked
  2. What's to comment about? That's what Nartwark is going to do to Krookie if he laughs at the nubile Gabs.
  3. All that looks in-game. I've seen a few gameplay clips, and it does look kinda fun. Putting buckets over the zombies' heads should be amusing.
  4. I still have some interest in the NHL games, but only in terms of (live) coop gaming.
  5. Not enough goth poetry.
  6. People with taste.
  7. .... Say, you wouldn't happen to have saved the chronological list of campaigns, would you? In cleaning out my forum attachments, I seem to have accidently deleted it as well.
  8. It's a Lite. It even comes with the quintessential cracked hinge. I've been looking into getting Castlevania, but it's pretty much impossible to find. I'm not sure whether I might as well just wait for Portrait of Ruin. I'm also looking into getting Kirby Canvas Curse and Phoenix Wright.
  9. Who the crap are you, and why did you murder Eldar?
  10. Yeah, I'm actually pretty surprised I've been holding most of my territory fairly well since the beginning. Then again, you decided to focus on just one area and decimate it. Jerk.
  11. Refresh my memory. We're starting Battle 3 or 4? I wish I had a scanner, then I'd post my kindergarten-style battleplans after the match.
  12. I'm liking my DS. Since I don't have much time for long gaming sessions, the DS is pretty neat for short bursts of gaming. I only had Mario Kart and New Super Mario Bros, but I should be getting Advance Wars DS soon. Portable tactical TB? \o/
  13. I think it's because it still counts as contested territory. Who knows. Anywho, you can't move the units within those boxes, but you can move them out of them back to behind your lines.
  14. http://www.firingsquad.com/games/nwn2_interview/ And on page 2: So confirmed original IP \o/
  15. Yeah. Or at least, it should be.
  16. I'm apparently playing Combat Mission ^_^ And I plan to at least test out HoI2DD coop with Nick (probably as France/UK) at some point.
  17. D: PBEM.txt
  18. Like Launch, I also have an affinity towards dating monkeys. They're monkeyrific!
  19. The 3d interface is pretty nice. Otherwise, the game is pretty simplistic/shallow. I wasn't impressed.
  20. The joke here is that the real Kaftan is already dead
  21. I just had a short Civ4 coop session. Wow, I haven't gamed in a while. I should get to Combat Mission this weekend if all goes according to plan.
  22. We sure did ^____________________^
  23. Why would you want to remove 95% of the gameplay?
  24. No.
  25. That's because you have reflexes.
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