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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. So you can see how the game plays. You don't need to have the demo relate in anyway to the story to make it a KOTOR demo. A lot of demos for games such as Half-Life 2 and whatnot have no bearing on the story.
  2. Heh....how is this thread still open. As far as I'm concerned Akari ended it with the second post
  3. I would bet that that is only for movies. As far as KOTOR is concerned the DVD would just be removable storage media (i.e. just like a big CD).
  4. FMVs are time consuming and expensive.
  5. I think it's a little late to fix that with the game being set only 5 years after the first game Obsidian really has no choice but to include some of the characters from KOTOR. Wether they play major roles within the game itself is a mystery but if I was a betting man I'm sure one or two will. Cheers! There's no reason to let them dominate the sequel though.
  6. Games like BG:DA are generally considered Action RPGs.
  7. I dunno. I neither love nor hate you. Ok I will rephrase. Once you know me, you either love me or you hate me. Unless that person (me) is too cynical and indifferent to most things
  8. Releasing things in both formats I think is an unnecessary expense. I think they would choose one or the other...although other games have gone with both formats.
  9. Nope. What makes a game a rpg? D2 has character classes, levels, selectable skills, everything you need for RPing. I suppose the definition of an RPG is rather vague....but I consider an RPG to be more than just a game where you can select a class and upgrade your stats. Hence why Diablo II is generally referred to a RPG Lite or an action RPG. IMO RPGs generally involve epic stories with lots of character interaction.
  10. LOL, kissing is simple to do, that isn't the reason, and those pointlessly long corridors tell me they would have liked to found another way to stretch the gameplay time even further. The fade to black is a refernce to sex, if it was just a massage, why can't you get a same sex massage But KOTOR did fade to black for a kiss with Bastila
  11. I would agree....I didn't hate her or anything....just preferred other characters in the game.
  12. I voted 25%. I wouldn't miss her if she was not in the game. As far as characters go I didn't really care much for her. I did like her quest with her mother though, as internal conflicts always seem to be the most interesting. But I preferred Jolee, HK-47, Juhani, and Canderous quite a bit more than her. Bastila was not bad, just not too deep IMO. As for my thinking she'll be in the game...I think there is a small chance, but since there is so much that could have happened with her, I think it would be difficult. I think she will fall at Revan's hand no matter what. Either you killed her on the Star Forge, or something happened after the fact that made Revan kill her. That's the way I see it anyhow.
  13. Once I learned the true nature of Force Pull, it was the force power that got me through Jedi Knight. Every one I stumbled into I would pull their weapons out of their hands and get them at my leisure
  14. How offending other people isn't wrong? I propose a short therapy in the asylum for you Nighclevear, becouse you apparently don't get the rules of living in the society. Do you understand english? It doesn't look like it. No, fine, it's wrong, but what came after that was far more wrong. To be honest, I've heard plenty of comments coming from women that said something mildly offensive about males. What I'm trying to tell you is that the offensiveness wasn't as bad as you think it was, and wasn't intended to be as bad as you seem to think it was intended. And it certainly wasn't so show-stopping to bring up pages upon pages of nonsense, culminating in word-support (I say that because I know it wasn't intended that way) of rape. Regardless of intent, THAT is not as innocent as stating your love of cupcakes. Offensiveness is a subjective matter. What is not very offensive to you could be very offensive to someone else.
  15. Considering how aggressive she had been up until that message, I figured this one was just as aggressive. And proper "netiquette" would have someone putting smileys around that comment to indicate that she was in fact kidding. It's one thing to defend someone's right to say something, but I think a veil has been pulled over your eyes. For the most part I have just been reading this thread, and from what I can tell, she came busting in saying how much she hates men. You mention that people get reactionary when they are defensive and defend her based on that, when everyone else "ganging up" on her was a defensive reaction to the stereotype she put forth.
  16. They could easily do something like that in some sort of minigame....although they would need to either make it skippable or extremely easy for the non-twitch gamers. How about a way to skip it by having the PC suggest who drives....if you choose not to drive, show a cinematic or something to fill it in.
  17. Or at least a boost in Intelligence......I'm thinking on being a Consular with higher intelligence my first go round. As for being alone on the Ebon Hawk, they could always change that of course. As for Treat Injury being useful somewhere else....I hope so. I hope they make all the skills have something special about them, even if it is only limited to the PC having it and not caring about whether or not the NPCs have them (some work around to make sure the PC is always alone at a point when this happens perhaps, just so it doesn't seem so silly?). I think it would add some replay value to the game (although I will most definitely be a persuasive Consular when I am a Consular). As for awareness, where did you hear about that Ender? I would imagine it would be similar to the Intelligence checks in Fallout or something, where you could get the idea that someone is not telling you the truth or something.
  18. So? Why should Bastila come back just because she is a woman? I prefer the more interesting characters over what sex they are.
  19. You goaded him into it by taking things so personally.
  20. Yes I did. I own both the expansions for Morrowind. But you have to remember that Morrowind is lot more open ended thatn KotOR. Even though you could visit the planets in KotOR in any order, you still had a linear story to follow. That is not the case for Morrowind. I haven't played IWD. As far as I can tell, Morrowind's story is just as linear.
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