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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. That is actually a good idea. More substance. It's probably why I also liked the dude that made the Dreamcatcher series (and the series that preceded it). I think the big problem with romances is that, given the short duration of the game, they can't really be any more than some goofy infatuations.....which actually is probably why so many people like them <_<
  2. So sayeth the one that Doesn't create threads :darque:
  3. I'll see what I can do :ph34r: DONE! :alanschu: EDIT: Blast! Foiled again!
  4. That would be true, if it wasn't for the fact that all of the 170+ posts in the last 24 hours have been very insightful and on topic :D
  5. I wonder if it ever will be
  6. I'm working on it!!! (better than I thought too...if you check out the top 10 posters for today )
  7. The name would seem to indicate that Elvis needs to be involved in some way.
  8. He's just lucky that us regulars decided to have a conversation in his thread rather than a different one :darque:
  9. Blast it Ender! It seems is better than we anticipated. didn't take the bait!
  10. Just once for me. I've yet to log out since I registered back in June 2004.
  11. Yeah....that too. I think it's the root of my disdain for games like when they take a turn for the bizarre. Same goes with
  12. The Platoon slogan was "First Casualty of War is innocence" wasn't it? I like that one too.
  13. Which is more reason why I feel people need to be a little less sensitive.
  14. Ah yes! Although I never understood why the bosses in that game always had to be dual-chaingun wielding guys :D
  15. I found romances in both games to be rushed, and ultimately unfullfilling. In my opinion, there just isn't nearly enough time for an appropriate, deep romance in a CRPG, unless the game was designed around it so more resources would be allocated to it. It's also very likely that I get sick of people that profess their love to their virtual GFs, so that likely plays a role. I preferred the Viconia and Jaheira romances to the romances in both KOTOR games.
  16. Well, if we want to toss in some retro nostalgia, we might as well toss Doom and Duke3D into the mix as well :D
  17. True enough. My favourite quests in WoW were the ones that spanned the land masses with some sort of investigation or whatnot. "The Missing Diplomat" was a cool quest, where basically you investigate the disappearance of a diplomat, and learn about some of the real powerbrokers in Stormwind, and deal with the criminal underworld and stuff. Conspiracies galore!
  18. I remember that! I even posted in it. Good thing I have my cool, unique avatar to make finding me so much easier. Your early posting style seems to indicate quite a fascinations with the emoticons. You seem to have mellowed with time on these forums
  19. I'm strictly PC gamer now, but not because I am a fanboy. I just tend to prefer games that come out on the PC. I have plenty of experience with consoles, as I used them as my primary gaming machine for roughly a decade. Most console games that I would be interested in playing often find their way onto the PC anyways, so it saves me from having to plunk down on a console as well.
  20. I don't recall either problem. Although as discussed with Ender, I seem to be in the 'Lucky' camp.
  21. At least the Simpsons took 20 bajillion seasons before it became random Although I think the randomness is part of the Family Guy's charm.
  22. Gromnir was the only one that I knew of. I had very briefly visited the Interplay forums where ToB was being discussed, and Gromnir sticks out because of his unique posting style. When I bumped into him in ToB I was like "Hey! That's the guy from the forums!!" Do you remember how Gromnir took it? He seems like the type that would just laugh it off, but some people could easily be "OMG that's sooz0rs not me!"
  23. I received in may a mail in the mailbox where I registered the game with a link to a survey. It was KotOR 2-centric and asked a lot of very interesting questions about what I though of many points of the game. Obviously, I did not miss this wonderful occasion to tell them all the bad I think of rushed and non finished games. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Well, survey's are good forms of feedback, since the company is specifically asking for it. Hopefully they'll have taken some things to heart.
  24. Well, I think Fionavar would agree that PC shooters rule the school on console shooters.
  25. I forgot that he was in ToB. It was neat seeing little Easter Eggs like that :D
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