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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. It would be easy enough to make sure that the humans wouldn't last.
  2. It'd be interesting if Masquerade Violations affected EVERYONE. THough you'd get some dink on a server that would ruin it for all. So maybe after a certain level and therefore time commitment or something.
  3. It was actually Wing Commander 1 that had your branching paths. The success/failure of the Tiger's Claw depended on how well you did your missions. Every two failures, put you down another "setback" so to speak. Wing Commander 2 focuses on a much tighter story involving the characters on the TCS Ticonderoga. But I'm just in a nitpicking mood
  4. I know. But I see Ovechkin's performance being similar to Mario's, rather than Sid's. Even if Crosby has similar point totals. And even if Lemieux isn't playing on the same line, he's still going to require defensive focus (well, until people realize he's sucking...but even then he'll always get respect). Crosby and Lemieux have shared icetime though, as they've assisted on each other's goals. It's probably not very common (mostly PP IIRC). Though I wouldn't expect otherwise, as Lemieux's QMJHL stats still blew Crosby's out of the water. I just brought it up because I don't think it's that good of a comparison.
  5. I was thinking, and I think it's a bit of a misnomer to call this "replayability." It's certainly longevity, but you're experiencing different stories </nitpick>
  6. Because the conversation involving the turn was very well done. Unfortunately, I was never able to meaningfully speak to him again.
  7. Just to make it clear, I'm not saying that a timer should mean that a failure to make it in the time means "game over."
  8. The 80s were insanely higher in scoring. Though Lemieux didn't have players like Palffy playing on his wing. Or a Lemieux.
  9. That's the real kicker. I suppose the fact that I have no problems replaying a 100% linear game (if it's good) makes it much less of an issue for me than for you. True the first time is always the best, but at the same time it's also cool to learn about new things that you didn't even think existed before.
  10. Well, your character became more powerful with full lightside or darkside. They'd get bonus attributes if lightside, and other effects if darkside. As for turning characters, I think my favourite conversation for Jedi conversion was Atton. I was hoping there was sooo much more to it though.
  11. Hahaha, that was a good one too actually. I loved the game, but the ending was definitely bizarro. And that's even considering I was expecting bizarro given the nature of Lucas' experience at the beginning.
  12. I actually felt kind of bad too. As I said in a different thread, any time a game can illicit an emotional response from me is something special indeed.
  13. At the same time, wouldn't there be more exhiliration for completing the task? It also helps to define what "rushed" is. I enjoyed the experience in Fallout when I was literally days away from Vault 13 dying as I scrambled for a solution. Whenever a game can illict an emotional response from me (which is typically quite rare), it automatically becomes more enjoyable. At the same time though, I never felt "rushed" through Fallout.
  14. I love being manipulative. One of my most enjoyable things I've done as an evil player, was convince Zaalbar to lay the smack down on Mission. It was probably cool because I had never really seen anything like that in a video game before. Kind of like how the BG2 romances were super cool when I first played them, though romances in general I find rather bland now.
  15. It could also make redemption of a DS to LS more interesting as well. Though stuff like that is usually better implemented as games are very often more "heroic" so to speak. But even Visas would get upset at you for being unnecessarily nice.
  16. Yeah, that was dumb. Though kind of necessary, given the game is almost unplayable with a reputation of 1
  17. To be fair, I haven't played it for a long time either, so I'm probably about as confident that I had to fight him as you are that he just left. I do agree that the "resolution" of it was not handled properly.
  18. That was Marl or whatever in Beregost Inn wasn't it?
  19. Definitely. The influence system wasn't fully fleshed out, and the fact that their dialogues didn't really change was a letdown. I'm not too worried about plot specific dialogues changing, but I wouldn't want Mira chastizing me for being mean, when she has more DS points than I do.
  20. I'm not saying overrated. Even then, people had him declared as the second coming. I'm happy that he's not running away with it, otherwise the preseason hoopla would have carried on.
  21. I had to fight him. Naturally. If your don't overlap with mine, then mine don't overlap with yours. So do I.
  22. Silent Hunter 3 is a great game, as are the Splinter Cell games. I don't base my purchasing decisions much on the previous history of a company.
  23. It depends. You aren't really under "time pressure" with Minsc, unless you decide to completely ignore finding Dynaheir. But it's not too transparent. I think we're just beating a dead horse though, as IMO it's clear your expectations of a video game do not coincide with mine (or Roleplayers it seems).
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