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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. As long as none of you are Hoff/Chuck/Fonzie, you'll need to demonstrate your high IQs, as well as your mad GIF editing skills.
  2. Well, depending on your DBA experience, and your modding experience, it might be worth it to just apply for some open positions. Typical "pay your dues" ways in are to get involved in testing. Not a glamourous job to say the least, but depending on where you go it's not all that bad.
  3. Well, my subway's offer toasted buns as well. THough I don't bother with them
  4. I prefer Subway. EDIT: You should have said "Fwee-Fell-FoOh-Feth-Fee-Fdee"
  5. Those aren't rules, they're exceptions! As in, being the Hoff provides opportunity to win teh internets. Should he not be competing (because he's singing in Germany naturally), other people are able to hold up the mantle. Hoff's Hoffness also lets him get in even if he didn't have a high IQ (which he does) as well as if he were lacking in mad GIF making skills (which he's not).
  6. I am currently advancing forward with the Wermarcht to crush the commie bastards of the Pink Army!
  7. Then you cannot win the internets. To be the winner of the internets, you must have mad GIF editing skills. It's in the rules: Sorry.
  8. Nah. Both Nintendo and Sony survived a transition from generations "
  9. I'd load that, but I'm not sure exactly what I'd get...
  10. Man, did I get totally wasted! Surely by now you can hear my machines of death preparing to roll over you?
  11. I've been busy drooling over insturments of death I'll never get to use. Fear my JagdTiger!
  12. I've heard that that game was also insanely buggy. Pits and whatnot that if you fell into, you just couldn't get out of.
  13. That guy's crazy. I still love playing a lot of those games :D
  14. Since I'm sure we're still at least more than a minute away from combat: Hopefully you have something that can resist an 88mm tank blast :D
  15. Hahahaha. I loved Pit Stop for the Coleco. Nothing like seeing your tire go hot pink when you just know the Pitstop is coming up soon!
  16. For what it's worth, I didn't really know what to do for my unit placement, so it's rather unchanged. This map is huge! Which is good for a brilliant tactician like me!
  17. The funny thing is that the budget for ET, not adjusted for inflation, is greater than the budget for most AAA games today. Adjusted for inflation it would be stupidly high. I played ET way back in the day, and thought that it was a poor game back when I was 5 :D Though my age made me prefer games like Fishing Derby and whatnot. I preferred my Apple II and Frogger though :D
  18. I should probably read the manual a bit more before I get too carried away "
  19. alanschu


    8 goals? With the gangbuster performance I'm hoping for? No problem
  20. alanschu


    I spent the good part of the deal realizing the the Oilers have found ways to win all freaking playoffs. Roloson didn't particularly play a great game, and we still only lost by 1 goal (and at one point had a 3-0 lead). It's not like we're winless with Conkkanen in net. Heck, we ran off 5 in a row to counter that 7 game losing streak. This is big opportunity for someone like Conklin to make a bid for a contract to play somewhere.
  21. Haha, 2 downloads before i get here? Hahaha. Just save this into a certain directory?
  22. Have you tried it on a different one that yours that broke? I wonder if there was some sort of technical problem.
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