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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. OMG ex-employees that are teh bitter because they no longer work there!! Boblabla
  2. But those links are just of anti-republican people that are convinced that Fox is just a republican nesting ground and equally as biased in just the opposite way!!!
  3. The thing is, I'm sure there's many that either don't know that this would be piracy, or just don't know what piracy is.
  4. Because they might be waiting for the GeForce 8 series to come out...
  5. Did you just call yourself stupid?
  6. Actually, now that I think about it, all of the people that talk about how easy it is to develop for the XBOX 360 aren't XBOX 360 developers :D
  7. Who else can comment on whether the development tools of the PS3 are better than the PS2 than people that developed on the PS2, and are now developing on the PS3?
  8. Wow...some of my vehicles are crazy fast!!
  9. So art is what is taught in school art class?
  10. And if his purpose it to entertain the audience, is it no longer art? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> And doesn't include people that let themselves go with strings vibrating in rhythm.
  11. It was a 4 chip variant known as the Voodoo 6500
  12. Why is art mutually exclusive from entertainment?
  13. what? Hmmm. I've had that happen before. Hopefully I don't need to redo my turn.
  14. On the plus side, I'm working from home today and can squeeze in one minute turns to shatter you and your art!
  15. It's too hardcore to show! Note: It WAS working. I imagine someone wasn't a fan of me leeching "
  16. Well, I just realized there's only 9 turns left, so I'm starting to actually blitzkreig a bit more. Already learning things that I should have done differently. Oh well.
  17. Referring to my kills versus yours....jerk!
  18. I think I did hear that...as a teammate screamed into his mic as I opened up a can on his butt!
  19. At the risk of pissing off ol' Gromnir.... What is art Volo?
  20. They were too busy screaming "OMG OMG OMG!!! He's killing us. Squad has been wiped out!" for me to notice much else
  21. Then how can people claim that movies are art?
  22. I'm looking through my University's catalogue right now, but am having a hard time finding an appropriate article. I do remember finding an article that referred to a correlation between overpopulation and homosexuality, and how it wasn't just humans either (I believe they did a study with mice). I'm seeing if I can find it, though I accidentally stumbled upon it a few years ago while looking for something else entirely, so I'm not sure what my search criteria should be. If I can find it I'll reference it.
  23. Which reminds me of a discussion I had when at work one time. Somehow it came up that I didn't particularly care for lesbianism (in that I didn't find it particularly attractive). This shocked some guys (most in fact....I seemed to be explaining myself to almost everyone at work that day). I commented that I've seen not-so-hot lesbians making out, and it didn't exactly "thrill" me. I don't know how representative my little Boston Pizza kitchen was of the rest of the world, but it was 8 men against 1 man, and those 8 men believed lesbians were hot regardless, and that my comments about unattractive lesbians shouldn't be relevant. Yeah, hot lesbians in porn are hot....but hot women doing anything can be hot
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