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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Ah yes, I remember them now. I'd zap 'em with the 20 mm Sniper usually.
  2. I don't remember the armed flying robot drones.
  3. Their purpose is to prevent people from taking proprietary ideas from a company, and using them at a different company without proper permission/compensation.
  4. Sooooo...how exactly do I call in an air strike?
  5. I haven't heard that. Do you have a link?
  6. Well, a lot of what he works on will have included proprietary code, and not proprietary code that he worked on. As a business, how do you ensure that if someone quits your company, he doesn't start using that proprietary code at a different company that competes with the first business that created it?
  7. Unfortunately, while he mops the floor with my face, his soldiers get killed on the battlefield.
  8. Errr. If the Cell is putting stuff in the RSX memory for the RSX to work with, I'm not sure why the RSX has to be too "tapped out." If the Cell is computing all of the geometry, it can write that information right into the RSX (and do it fast), and have it waiting there for the RSX to start doing all of its shader routines/rendering/whatever. This is what I'm curious about with respect to using the Floating Point power of the Cell to calculate Random Variable distributions. Maybe we no longer need to abstract the decision making in order to reduce the floating point instructions, since Cell has a lot of floating point power. Branching is important. But even then, determining which branch to take requires some sort of metric by which they make their decision (where I'm curious if the floating point power could be an advantage, as stated above). I know there's a lot of hoopla about the poor branch prediction of the Cell, though I'm not sure how (this is starting to go beyond the scope of my studies). According to IBM: Also, I have heard concerns that the Cell, while powerful, is inappropriate as a gaming processor. I find this a little unusual, as much of IBM's articles seem to indicate that it is probably best suited for a gaming processor. Meh.
  9. That's not true. I did have a fan patch that did solve issues, particularly in the end game levels. This came out before the official patch though, and it may have disappeared afterwards.
  10. alanschu


    Yes, I do like that sig
  11. Don't blame me, blame my crack smoking artillery spotter! The battle is getting pretty intense. One massive front!
  12. Hahah crazy. My artillery strike didn't seem too particularly effective. Was anybody inside that building that blew up? Is it over? I still had orders to place. I remember them saying that it's a few turns if flags are being captured, but no flags are being captured (as no flags exist). Maybe the game is just loving the insane amount of conflict going on. I just hit a 36 tube artillery strike...almost got some friendly fire out of it though. Blew up a house! :D
  13. You'll only get slack from goober fanboys.
  14. So you are saying that canned excremete is art? You are one wierd guy. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don't believe I said that at all.
  15. alanschu


    Markkanen. There's only one goal that could even really be considered his fault, and that was the second one on the PP with Recchi on his doorstep. The Oilers need to play better as a team.
  16. Why would writing there not be beneficial? I was referring to the Cell doing some operations, and writing it into the graphics memory for the RSX to use, not that the RSX would have to read it and give it back to the Cell. What do you mean more "basic AI?" I assume you mean "more" as in "more of the same." Saying "simulating intelligence" is a misnomer anyways. What do you mean by intelligence? What do you mean by "simulating intelligence?" I'm talking about potentially better decision making, with lesser need for abstractions. As for your tidbits on Cell, where do you read up on it? I've done most of my reading (which admittedly isn't as much as I would like) direct from IBM's site, as well as with the odd discussion with professors at my university.
  17. Hahaha, I knew that scout car was screwed! If only I wasn't such an artillery n00b!
  18. alanschu


    http://www.paulbrownshow.com/ Haha, you have to listen to the Got Bandwagonitis and Roloson!
  19. It's new to me :D http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=6579217727747349311
  20. Enjoy! Sam is much more badass now.
  21. Holy cow things are really picking up. I shall avenge the death of mine tank! For the fatherland!!!!
  22. Hahahaha, you can't avoid the push of the Wermacht forever!
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