I recently bought a new computer, and it just sort of occurred to me that I have two 250 GB SATA hard drives.
I'm thinking maybe I would like to put them into RAID 0, but I've never actually set up a RAID before.
I'm 99.9% my motherboard has an on-board RAID controller as well.
Before I get too far ahead of myself though, I do have some questions.
First, I imagine that I'll need to wipe content on my current install if I want to do this...correct? Data deletion isn't that big of a deal, but if I could set it up without wiping a drive that would be cool....though I suppose it wouldn't really make much sense.
Second, I currently have a 30 GB partition on my main drive, which basically holds just Windows. It's a holdover habit from my old school Win9x days of reformatting my HD and reinstalling windows periodically. Would it be possible to make a RAID of the remaining 220 GB? This would work out kind of nice, as I could still have a 30 GB partition for Linux (work related stuff).