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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Ah yeah, I forgot that they are the console publisher for Half-Life 2.
  2. Chaos Theory is waaaaaaaay better for that.
  3. I remember letting a dude die in Pandora Tomorrow, and Lambert was none too pleased. He asked Sam about it, who let a witty remark go, and Lambert was certain Sam needed a psych evaluation.
  4. Errr, if you merge...doesn't that mean you can now die? After all, you are united with your mortality now.
  5. I don't care about the odds of whether or not EA can make a good game. All I care about is if the game is any good. If it is, I buy it. If not, I don't.
  6. Not a fan of SS2? In any case, like with all games...if it's good, I'll buy it.
  7. Heh, I've seen the way you commie's treat your people. Pretty effective "5 year plan" you have there bub. I'm not sure who's killed more Soviets....me army, or the tyrannical rule of Llyranor!! I'm here to FREE your people!
  8. Well, there's concerns for innocent victims in games such as Splinter Cell and whatnot. And you typically get lower scores in the Hitman games for killing people other than your target.
  9. alanschu


    The episodes aren't working for me
  10. The Nosferatu can not walk out in the open, the sewers is their only means to get any where. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I was very disappointed with this. While people did give me wierd looks, I found myself able to run along the surface relatively pain free.
  11. Boom, boom, kaboom. I love it. I particularly enjoyed running down your last surviving gun crew member! Unfortunately, you also seem to enjoy taking out the tanks that I can't stand to lose! I'd much rather lose the crappy 38t tanks over those Panzer IIIH's!
  12. I'm well aware of the way the Live Team works. I'm sure you're not the only one.
  13. Yeah...tho the only thing I remember from it is Paul Reubens. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> His death scene was very dramatic!
  14. alanschu


    I guess I should have the word "it" as my link. Too small EDIT: N/M, yours is a compilation. Go Fernando!
  15. At least I'm trying to mount an offensive this time!
  16. If it doesn't go off then what purpose does it serve? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That would be the threat of Mutually Assured Destruction used as an insurance policy to prevent "normal" people from killing themselves, even if it means not killing others. Let's try and keep the conversation sensible, or I'll be forced to change the topic. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I don't think that's possible. He practically just admitted to doing it for stirring the pot.
  17. Joke's on us guys. I can't believe we took the bait.
  18. Wouldn't be the first time. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Considering you're still alive, I'm pretty sure it would be. EDIT: Whatever. You're clearly just trolling the waters now. Joke's on us.
  19. A death is a death, accidental or no they are both just as sweet. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I'm sure you'd feel the same way when you try using a gun on a guy that is trying to kill you, only to have it misfire and have you kill yourself.
  20. I rather rely on chance than the human animal. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Except in both cases the human animal still exists. So you'd rather live on top of a bomb that could go off, rather than one that won't go off?
  21. I'd rather use the ones that didn't spontaneously blow up when I fired them though!
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