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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. THe offensive into Burma has paid off extensively. I have been able to capture Rangoon, which mean Moulmein and Tavoy were soon to follow. From Rangoon, I am using B-17s and B-24s to mine the harbours of Bangkok, and other Japanese Ports in the Gulf of Siam. Unfortunately my shore bombardment on Saipen was less successful. There are many large coastal guns, and they were able to inflict many hits on the ships, particularly the smaller ones, and it was enough to make the Task Force leader call off the attack. No ship is in danger of sinking, but some gun emplacements have been damaged. In any case, it's back to Pearl for repairs. Hollandia is being quite built up along the northern New Guinea. My plan is to make it a raiding base, where planes and raiders can inflict heavy damages upon ships heading to Truk and Rabaul. The only issue is getting fuel there is going to be a bit of a hassle. Going straight there from Hawaii involves running a gauntlet of Japanese airbases, whereas a trip to Australia, and around western New Guinea, will just take a very long time. Oh well, the small price of time to inflict (hopefully) heavy attritional losses.
  2. The big issue I have with LCDs is the preferred resolution. There are still many games out there that I enjoy playing that come with fixed resolutions (typically 1024x768), and I would prefer to not deal with the degradation in image quality as the LCD attempts to simulate the resolution.
  3. Do I get TOMBS points? To be fair, this situation can happen even with a private toolset. Time invested on making a toolset is not necessarily time that could be spent on making a better game, since the designers will probably use the toolset themselves. So there is already going to have to be some sort of time concentrated on the toolset, regardless of a release.
  4. Yes. It was from a different thread. You see, Meta knows that that was something that he knew, that other people didn't know. So because he wasn't sure if it was the sinking of the Hood (since the Hood was sunk by a hit in the ammo magazine by the Bismarck), he tried sidestepping the issue by giving an example of something obscure that he DID know. It's all very elementary really.
  5. I think his concern is that if the toolset, and probably more appropriately content creation, is TOO streamlined and makes concessions (such as using tiles), then (assuming the toolset is the same one used by the creators) we'll have to worry about these types of limitations in the professional game as well.
  6. My favourite was when I tried attacking the man-with-a-stick militia man with a battleship...and lost. I'm not sure what he did. Toss his stick into the main battery, causing a jam and explosion on the ship, for a series of unfortunate and highly unlikely chain of events, blowing up the ammo magazine and subsequently putting a big hole in the ship. Or something.
  7. What do you mean? I loved the unit health status in Civ. It makes the whole "Man with Stick beats Tank" so much less likely. It's not like I'd be controlling them doing elaborate flanking maneuvers or anything.
  8. No. It's a large scale strategic game done at the macro level. You can watch some little animations, but I find they take too long so I just let it autoresolve really quickly and give me the details.
  9. Well, for the most part I've been laying low, but I did want to have one last bit of fun. I'm waiting mostly for the Hellcat to become active, as it's a significant improvement over the Wildcats my carriers currently have. But I just sent out a huge carrier Task Force for one quick patrol. It consisted of 4 fleet carriers (Saratoga, Lexington, Essex, and Enterprise), and two Light Carriers (Independence and Princeton). 4 Destroyers and 5 light cruisers round out the escorts. I put William Halsey in command, since he has capable Air Skill, and is extremely aggressive. And wouldn't you know it, just south of Guam, I found CV Soryu. My attack was able to punch through well enough, shooting down a few Zeros and getting 17 1000 lb bombs to hit, and 2 torpedoes. At the same time, his strike force made a play towards my fleet, but they were chewed up by the large CAP protecting the fleet. No hits sustained on my part. The Soryu is sunk, and her flight crew gone with her. A big success for the Allies. I also sent out a surface fleet consisting mostly of refitted old battleships. They hope to do some convoy raiding themselves, and the Halsey's Task Force will provide air cover for them.
  10. For building walls, I imagine you're talking about inside right? Because if you're going outside, you can just elevate the terrain and make walls that way. And they are walls to be walked on. Unfortunately, the interior tilesets are only flat. It would probably be possible to be creative with the much better outdoor terrain editor, and mimic something inside however. For building your city, check this out. I would think if you wanted to make a multilevelled city, it wouldn't be that difficult. As far as I know, the creator (Oerwinde) is not a computer programmer. This was his first screenshot. Check out this thread to see his work evolve. For building a Large Fountain, if you go into the object properties, you can change the length, width, and height of the object and make it bigger. As for your scripting issues, well, welcome to modding. I'm not sure how you were really able to get around this though. From what I have seen, to make something unique and meaningful, some form of scripting was required. When my friend made the SourceRacer mod for Half-Life 2, he had to jump right into aspects of the source code and edit the GUI of the actual game using C++. A game like Counterstrike requires a lot of difficult code work. I can't really think of any decent mods that didn't involve some sort of scripting/programming. Way back in the day there were some really good NWN scripting tutorials that was basically elementary programming for beginners. I don't know if they still exist, but they were somewhere out there in cyberspace. I know because I used them once upon a time. Once you get the hang of basic scripting, the big thing is basically learning the functions built into the game. You can go somewhere like the NWN Lexicon for that. Or just post questions on the Toolset parts of the Bioware forums.
  11. alanschu


    I think Edmonton was burnt out by the 3rd period. Calgary was winning all the fights along the boards.
  12. I wouldn't really consider making meaningful mods with Half-Life an "easy" experience. I find the NWN2 toolset much easier. As for people still using Half-Life, I think it's more because it's Half-Life. The same reason why you still have people playing around with Quake. I contend that Doom's popularity and Windows release was not because of mods however. Modding was still a relatively "new" thing to mainstream. Doom made the conversion to Windows because Doom was a very, very popular game. I don't know. There are large parts of the NWN community that were less than thrilled with NWN2. Furthermore, NWN already has an established online base. Much like how people still play the original Counterstrike, despite the fact that CS:Source is, in my opinion, a superior product. The thing is, there are people that are NOT programmers, nor game developers, on this very board that are playing around with the toolset and seem to be making things happen. What exactly are you have problems with?
  13. I have a feeling that that actually wouldn't be significantly faster than sticking it in your veins in your arm.
  14. I'm typically not a fan of excessive piercings and tatooing. Having said that, there is one girl in my department that is gorgeous, despite some piercings. She used to have nose rings and whatnot, but lately seems to only have three studs just below her bottom lip. I'm guessing removing those ones would probably not actually look as good. They also don't look too bad, because they are subtle, and maintain symmetry and whatnot. She looked good before, but now she's just gorgeous. A dead ringer for Elisha Cuthbert.
  15. Just like TV commercials are nothing more than annoying inconveniences as well, right?
  16. I'm guessing those don't work over closed battle.net do they?
  17. I agree. I think that toolsets are becoming more complicated (and powerful) because modders are becoming more capable.
  18. Is it kind of like Freelancer or something? You build up your own space empire?
  19. How would you describe X3's gameplay?
  20. Apparently you are unfamiliar with the term loss leader. Gillette was very happy to give away his razor handles (in other words, sell it at a loss), because he'd make the money back through selling razor blades. Microsoft and Sony are very happy to sell you a console at a loss, if it means making millions selling the games.
  21. Which Eddo would be better able to understand, after taking some elementary courses on Sociology.
  22. Take a course on Sociology and all your questions will be answered.
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