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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. We don't know. As an aside, it's interesting that the Big Bang Theory was initially criticized by parts of the scientific community because it seemed to be too dependent on divine intervention. Then I'd say your friend is not an athiest. At one time I considered myself an athiest, and I just didn't believe that a higher power existed. I felt it was a human construct created simply to try to explain things such as the questions posted in Dark Moth's quote earlier in my post. In recent years, I moved to agnostic, which was really the culmination in my apathy. Sure there could be a higher power. There might not be. I'm no longer going to worry myself about it.
  2. I vote Conservative. I helped Laurie Hawn beat out Anne McLellan.
  3. You specifically typed Martin Luter, not Martin Luther. And I was able to find references to people named Martin Luter. It doesn't change the fact that it's an appeal to authority. Not surprisingly, there are people out there that aren't all that big on religion, so they'll twist words around to make a point. Martin Luther would fit that bill quite appropriately, especially seeing as he was excommunicated for his work. You see this type of appeal to authority used ALL THE TIME. People will use an anecdote to make a point, and then say that Einstein said it because Einstein is a smart person and very introspective. I use the definition of the word from a dictionary because, it's the definition of the word. Posting a dictionary/wiki definition is just as useful (if not more useful) than posting what some person said about it years ago. My not understanding that you meant Martin Luther may not inspire confidence, but the fact that you used his quote as some sort of justification of your warped perception of the term faith doesn't do so either.
  4. I actually don't really have a game on the horizon at the moment.
  5. "Belief that does not rest on logical proof or material evidence. " http://www.answers.com/topic/faith Taking the quote from some some guy named Martin Luter (whoever he is) is an appeal to authority, which is a logical fallacy.
  6. Yeeees, and since females are WZ, they can create either WW or ZZ. Since Human females are XX, they'd be able to create XX or... XX. In fact, look at what you posted!!! Your quote fully supports degawinda's statement.
  7. Ahah, touche! EDIT: Wait a minute. Are you sure?
  8. You must be an educated person, complete with a license to sell stocks!
  9. Not sure I follow. As long as a + b = c, your formula is true. Equating faith with Math is really not a good idea, as Math is exceptionally logical and has very firm rules.
  10. No it's not. Because your statement is simply incorrect. Faith is belief without proof. It's not believing in something despite it being incorrect.
  11. Uh...because they were expecting to be able to save that money? There's nothing saying they didn't feel they were losing a lot of money before the conservatives were in power. At the same time, the ability to communicate effectively so as to not have people misinterpret your ideas is useful, even outside of college.
  12. alanschu


    Oilers win! As did the Foilers!
  13. I reject materialistic philosophies because they cannot provide cvilizations with the strength needed to survive and expand. A great example is the west - birth rates are plummeting, fertility is declining, women are having children at continously later years. Chances are, within a few generations, what we know of as western civilization will cease to exist as immigrants from other civilizations overrun Europe and America. Religions like Hinduism unite people under common values, unite and build families, and through various customs/rituals/celebrations creates a cohesive and organic society. Whoa....since when is athiesm equated with materialism?
  14. Cooler than llyranor

  15. Big, big, big jerk.

    And very sexy.

  16. I have a feeling Mr. Role-Player was being less than serious when he made his statement.
  17. Except that ME was kind of squeezed in between releases. It was easy to avoid purchasing ME because there was talks of Whistler already out there.
  18. I will forgive you this time.
  19. I say suck it up and play on. My best memories from games like it and Jagged Alliance 2 were when I decided to no longer reload after something bad happens.
  20. Well, when WinME came out, Whistler was on the horizon. Whistler was the codename for Windows XP. I'm unaware of any other consumer operating system in development by Microsoft at the moment.
  21. My sarcasm was wasted It was a facetious comment since Poker Tournaments are shown on channels such as ESPN. If being shown on ESPN is all it takes to be a sport (according to that one chap), then Poker must be a sport! I do not feel that poker is a sport, and the logic used to denote that if something is shown on a sports channel, it must be a sport is false. Sportsdesk is a Sport!
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