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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Is such precision truly necessary in firing upon an intruder? I mean, if it's dark enough that you need glow in the dark sights to truly have an idea of where you're aiming, can you even see the person you're aiming at?
  2. I remember a study that had a blind person place some time of flat plastic on their tongue, and that tongue would depict an image that was on an attached monitor, and the blind persons were quite successful (and very excited) about being able to recognize objects through the electronic pulses that the flat plastic conveyed. There was another example of them using it on someone that had no sense of touch, outside of the top of their head. So they put the application on their forehead, and they enjoyed limited success with it as well, "seeing" landscapes and whatnot for the first time. Though the forehead was met with limited success, and they speculated it had something to do with the sensitivity, as well as acclimatization. Unfortunately I do not remember the name of the device. It was demonstrated on a video in one of my psychology classes. On the other hand, you can always give them this
  3. It wouldn't be $100 or $300 though, unless each and every one of those vaccinated were to get the disease. My understand that the disease becoming cancerous is rare, and it's still possible to prevent the presence of a rare persistent infection from becoming cancerous by catching it with Pap tests and making treatments. 80% of women by the age of 50 are figured to have contracted the disease, but the pervasiveness of cervical cancer seems to dwarf that (and the rates of cervical cancer have been continuously falling since the 1950s as it is, thanks to the Pap test.... link) However, according to the Alberta Cancer Board, cancer can be prevented and treated if detected early. But even then, lets say 1 in 10 women will actually get cervical cancer, then the cost goes to $3000 to cure someone. If it's 1 in 100, then the cost goes to $30000, 1 in 1000 becomes $300,000 to save a life, because fortunately, the vast majority of women will not have to worry about being unable to fight off HPV naturally. I'd much, much, much, much, much, much rather they spend millions of dollars on this which explores using DCA as a potential cure for cancer, but will not be receiving any funding from pharmaceutical companies because it involves a compound which is not patented, and therefore will not be able to recoup the heavy costs of clinical trials. I'd see this as being more useful allocation of government funds than spending millions of dollars (and making a pharmaceutical company that doesn't want to fund something that may be more widely useful and would compete with their own, limited scope project) to save a small amount of lives.
  4. Am I the only one that sees the causes of polio and the unsafe drinking water and food supplies as being something a bit more unavoidable than having unprotected sex with someone that has a disease that is typically cured by the human body on its own, and while having a rare chance of developing cervical cancer (assuming they contracted a "high-risk" type of HPV), can still be caught in pre-cancerous stages and treated in ways to prevent a persistent infection from becoming life-threatening cancer is a little bit different?
  5. I remember the guidances being rather silly in the end. Made the game too easy.
  6. Because a standard FMJ round just won't cut it when protecting yourself.
  7. Well, here's hoping STALKER comes out, for yours and my sake
  8. Been a while since I played any of the FO games, so I don't remember that.
  9. No doubt because I had threatened it at gunpoint! Or something EDIT: Booo, no more microtext? EDIT: Boooo, no more unhappy face :sad:
  10. alanschu


    Rant post by me here Basically it involved Cory Cross and the retarded mistreatment he got here from moronic Oilers fans who found a way to blame the Oilers woes on a #6 defensemen that played 10 minutes a game.
  11. I have the feeling my warped sense of humor caused me to read this really wrong, but it sure made me LOL. I love pets but if I had kids I probably wouldn't let them have one until they were fairly old. Well, maybe a hamster... Oh please, do share the comedic interpretation because I just don't see it Are you implying that I think kids are pets? I do expect acquiring pets for my kids at some point in my life. Heck, I used to enjoy the family dog when I was growing up as well. I figured I "outgrew" it.
  12. I'm not a pet person. It's something I do not look forward to upon having children.
  13. I was thinking he was being less than serious when he made his post.
  14. alanschu


    Is he still dating Elisha :sad:
  15. I believe you're taking a quote out of context. Tsk tsk tsk. EDIT: Apparently I had not been to the page for quite some time, but this was directed at Hades who quoted specifically "I don't give a ****" from Shadowstrider.
  16. I think that might be Ultima VII (didn't play much of VIII), but this would sort of make sense. Given a universe where a magic spell can kill everyone on the planet, there's no reason why this same spell would not protect the caster as well. At the same time, it seems odd that such a spell was included, since as far as I know it has no useful purpose in the game.
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