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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Strawman. We're not talking about medicines that went through human trials, nor have I said that testing medicines on human subjects should not be done.
  2. After all the people here listed immortality as the one bioupgrade that they'd take in a thread a while back, I'm rather surprised that people are so willing to merely shrug their shoulders at the idea that the fittest will survive a meteor impact.
  3. Ah. As I recall you and I disagree on the importance of the human race. I consider the survival of the species to be the only ineluctably worthwhile thing a human can pursue. I'm also rather fond of human beings. Whereas my recent impression is that you are not! I sure do enjoy living
  4. So you're saying you don't necessarily believe human rights should be put to the side in the name of equal rights? Also, don't play victim. You do the same stuff, pretty much everytime you mention the word Christian. Don't blame us for painting yourself into a corner and being unable to scramble for some way to get out of it.
  5. I could see the benefit to some smileys no longer being available.
  6. alanschu


    I have heard rumours that Huet is out for the season.
  7. Hey, I'm still flabbergasted at the Close Combat comparison I guess CC does have morale. But it's a Real Time WW2 Tactical Combat Simulator. It did have troop morale and destructable environments, though funky weapons (I'd say Fallout Tactics had its share of funky weapons though) and the ability to intercept enemy ships is missing. As is turn based combat consisting of individual soldiers.
  8. I have no idea. I think because he was right-wing and it's 'in' to bash the right-wing.
  9. You said you value scientific research above equal rights? You'd have no problem if some people took you away and began testing stuff on you, as long as it was in the name of scientific progress? I mean, they could save lives by doing these tests.
  10. Seriously though. Movement towards an observer should cause a blueshift, and movement away from an observer should cause a redshift.
  11. I'm sure these same equal rights are meaningless if policy was enacted that forced some parts of society to abort their unborn children in order to acquire fetus' for stem cell research. But hey, it's for scientific process.
  12. So how exactly was this "letting AIDS happen?" AIDS still happens today as people have unprotected sex with each other, even after 15+ years of knowing about the disease.
  13. So Reagan speaking up would suddenly have resulted in Africa being less infested with AIDS?
  14. And you are in favour of that above all else, including equal rights?
  15. Don't you have that backwards?
  16. You cant mean this the way Im reading it. Elaborate please. What? Ignoring AIDS: The Reagan Years THE 40TH PRESIDENT: THE OPPONENTS; Critics See a Reagan Legacy Tainted by AIDS.... The Truth About Reagan And AIDS Reagan's AIDS Legacy: Silence Equals Death How exactly is that "letting AIDS happen?"
  17. Scientific progress is more important than equal rights?
  18. I am :sad: that :sad: is not I'll give you your damned dirty quotation mark...but only this time!!!!!
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