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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Are Baldur's Gate weapon sizes really that in line with reality? Or are the characters just so small you can't really notice it? Seriously MC (and even Purkake), is there anything about the game that you are looking forward to? Or are you going to be like some of the jaded Fallout fans that buy/play Fallout 3 just so they can rip on it and confirm to themselves on how sucky it really is?
  2. It's such a minor cosmetic issue. If one of your noteworthy concerns about the game is the size of the weapons while playing the game, it's probably doing something right. The weapons are big. I noticed right away that the daggers seemed more like short swords. I never noticed again though. I was too busy playing the game.
  3. LOL @ criticizing the game for unrealistic weapons. And apparently dark and gritty means that characters should be dirty. At least your other grievances have merit MC. These are you just looking to trash the game as much as you can. Are you going to be one of those types that is so jaded, you'll buy the game just to confirm to yourself how much you hate it?
  4. Diablo II made it so if you held the mouse down, you attacked your current target. It was much worse in Diablo 1, but a non issue for Diablo II.
  5. Fair enough. I have no real knowledge of the game in any way. And a delay could just as easily be the end of them too.
  6. It's still an MMO. It does seem though, that it'll be possible to experience the content of the game in a single player avenue. Some people may be turned off by this, but others might not care so much. One popular draw of WoW was that it was very single player friendly. If they can take that, with a stronger narrative, it might be a recipe for success.
  7. It also stands that if a game is popular, there's a good chance the game is good. Having said that, I have a feeling the original Halo will be deemed more of a classic than Halo 3, but that's just me.
  8. I'm not buying the popular game = classics formula.
  9. Of course. It's just that this thread is about making predictions about it. Though I agree it is VERY early. I'm sure many were declaring Oblivion a classic this soon after release. I just think that, so far, Batman is a game that could stand that test of time. I know I plan on replaying it!
  10. I just figured it'd be bigger news if that was the case. Oh well.
  11. Did it actually work though? As in, are Red Faction's sales higher? I don't really remember it being a hot topic of discussion.
  12. Tomboys and effeminate young men were just brought in more as a corollary than anything else. I don't think anyone here meant to imply they are related to homosexuality. However, they are examples of gender expectations that society has. These expectations are also likely related to our acceptance of homosexual females vs homosexual males. EDIT: Note to self, use quote function I'll respond to your post Gifted in a little bit.
  13. Portal for sure. I'll have to give this some more though haha. I think Batman: Arkham Asylum is a good early candidate though.
  14. That's nice. Your defense of the game (and the sexual promiscuity of the main character for that matter) is very apparent in other threads. So is tossing in random insults at the end of your posts. However, I don't recall scanning your comments for something to bitch about. So I guess I'm in the clear there
  15. Of course. Take things down small enough, and you'll find places where an open homosexual is perfectly accepted and not treated differently. Move somewhere else, and you'll find a similar sample size where an open homosexual puts his life in jeopardy by being open about it. The joys of macro-level vs micro-level sociology. All things take place in a sociological context. My inquiry was just a supposition, but obviously it comes from my own personal experiences and impressions of the sociological contexts I am familiar with. I am a big fan of empiricism however. Are there examples of places (preferably macro) where young women acting masculine is MORE ostracized than young men acting feminine?
  16. Errr, the link didn't mention anything about the online petition having an effect. (I did check the wikipedia link on my own).
  17. Of course it's a divergence from societal norms. That's just a statement of the obvious though, rather than providing any sort of reason. If it wasn't a divergence from societal norms, it wouldn't be an issue at all. Tomboy only applies to younger women. However, a "tomboy" is certainly more accepted than an effeminate young man. Why is that? Both are divergences from societal norms, yet one will be significantly more ostracized than the other. Why is that?
  18. Simply because you weren't able to see them, doesn't mean they aren't there. I do find it absolutely delightful that you make a snide remark about how he only sees them because he wants to see them. However, given your rather obvious love of the Witcher, I'm not at all surprised you were never able to see it. You didn't want to, because it'd taint your perspective of it. See, it's easy to have fun like this.
  19. Haha I didn't find them to be quite that useless. I do love the pigeonholing of game types though. "This is an Action RPG" "No it's not, blahblahblah" I remember someone correcting me that Diablo was actually a "roguelike" and not even an "Action RPG."
  20. Don't know about that. The PS3 has a Joker mode apparently. I don't remember what the 360 has (if anything).
  21. I did some quick searching but can't find anything about the petition being the reason why Max Payne 3 is in development. Lend a hand?
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