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Everything posted by alanschu

  1. Who says they let me? >.> Though there's the usual "waiting for response (from programmer)" or "waiting to load" or "updating game build" type breaks
  2. For what it is worth, when I first started playing the game I was surprised how often I died. I think it was mostly that I find games are not particularly challenging anymore, so i was probably a bit reckless. It wasn't until the end of my first (and only haha) real playthrough that I started to be much more proactive in controlling all party members, utilizing various tactics presets. Now that I know how to play the game, I do find it much easier, and don't have much trouble (especially with a particularly powerful group) through some of the fights that I really struggled with to start. I know I'm a bit, errrrr, hostile to you at times, but I think a lot of it comes from the fact that I've been lucky enough to play the game That and I'm biased since the success of the game more directly affects me now haha. No trashing it!
  3. That's what smart people do actually. I've stated my own cases as well, but you've disagreed with them, so you decided to be immature and attack my signature, rather than address my actual points. How am I any more, or less, important than you? Given your obvious lack of maturity, I'm convinced now that you are in fact a child. Instead of defending your points when I question them, you result in ad hominem attacks. This leads me to believe you realize you have no ground to stand on, and are trying to deflect attention away from it to something completely unrelated. You make a [foolish] assertion that I simply pick apart your posts, which can make "anyone" sound smart. The ad hominem style attacks that you are doing though, make everyone that uses them sound stupid. I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that you aren't actually stupid, but you do strike me as exceptionally immature. Your fixation on my old signature picture says it all. The funny thing is, you never did seem to recognize the irony that while you made fun of my supposed lack of maturity because I enjoy the Lord of the Rings universe, you enjoy the Star Wars (and KOTOR in particular) Universe. I'd ask you again how being a fan of Star Wars is somehow mature, yet a fan of Lord of the Rings somehow is not mature. It honestly sounds like the type of squabble a child would have when someone would say they are a fan of He-Man, when clearly GI JOE is much cooler.
  4. This just seems a bit convenient. He already said he's resigned to the fact that KOTOR 3 won't be coming out.
  5. I'm just curious, what did you write in your emails?
  6. I'm well aware of how to deal with spammers. However, I'm not sure what the hell you are talking about. Why would anyone waste time responding to junk mail like you are advocating here. Your response doesn't even make sense for the comment that I posted. Good for you that you hardly use email. If you hardly use it, why do you change the password every week? What the **** does logging out every few minutes have to do for hiding personal info from "trolls?" Your post is baffling. It demonstrates an exceptionally poor understanding of some of the basics of online computer usage.
  7. I'm unaware of this. Why would Lucasarts threaten you with legal action for writing letters asking for a third KOTOR game? I would have called their bluff, as they have nothing to gain by threatening you with legal action for writing such content. Unfortunately quoting yourself is not proof of anything. It makes zero sense that there'd be no evidence of this happening on the internet whatsoever. Unless Take Two was exceptionally thorough in making sure that every single article that made any reference of a confirmation of the online petition being a reason why Max Payne 3 is in development, I'm very surprised that I can't find anything on the internet to corroborate your story, outside of you simply stating that it is the case. Trust me, his advice is VERY sound. It's always important to have sources to back up your claims. Given our past headbutting, I have tried to be open about the idea that Max Payne 3 is in development because fans made a petition. Given how infrequent stuff like this happens, I'm surprised it's not on Wikipedia. As for jumping into the middle of the conversation, this is a message board. The entire history of the conversation is preserved on these message boards, so there's no reason to assume that he hasn't been actively following the conversation, even if he has not actively taken part in it. He has seen and read just as much as you or I have.
  8. Really... I have a friend who lost 3-4 mid-quality optical drives in 5-6 years and he used them almost entirely for gaming, so really. "I have a friend." Seems everyone had friends that had serious issues all related to starforce. At least the other guy said it was his personally.
  9. Fun fact: Mass Effect didn't actually sell all that well. ~2 million sales on 360, less than either Baldur's Gate, less than KOTOR, a lot less than NWN. A lot better than JE. Take as accepted that for various reasons the sales numbers aren't directly comparable as a measure of profitability. I'd imagine Obsidian would be disappointed if AP performed to RF: Guerrilla levels, frankly. K2 sold near to 2 million copies, and NWN2 (from memory) a fair bit more. Where can you find the sales numbers for each game?
  10. Deus Ex was certainly hampered by its lack of female character. Especially in your eyes. It's your fault you can't see past it, and you'll probably miss out on a really fun game. Your loss.
  11. I didn't as it's not likely to do anything but register e-mail adresses for spammers. Not unless they hack me. I change my e-mail password every week. Your email password has no bearing on whether or not someone will SEND you email. Having said that, I assure you that changing your password that frequently is not necessary.
  12. I'm curiously awaiting more information about SWTOR. If it can deliver on its promises and award me a KOTOR like game experience, then I'll be delighted. A KOTOR 3 is nice, but I am open to other ideas in the setting. Heck, if they can deliver on the KOTOR 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 promise, then I'll be ecstatic! Though I'm skeptical of that particular claim. Though individual classes having completely different story arcs is promising. I'm not condeming anyone actively pursuing a continuation of the storyline after KOTOR 2.
  13. It makes sense that releasing everything during the holiday is a bad idea. Especially since you'll get competition with yourself in the process. The Dead Space guy was more talking about a general malaise of a perfect storm due to bad economy, as well as some high profile games to go up against. Looks like, according to Metacritic, Red Faction also has the added bonus of being a solid game (rated 85 according to the G4TV article). I won't discount that the lack of competition won't hurt a title like Red Faction, but I'm probably more willing to give the developers kudos for making a game that people want, and that critics approve of, for sales. The one analyst predicted that Prototype would overshadow it. It wasn't like Red Faction went up against absolutely nothing (I mean hey, even I have heard of Prototype!). According to the analyst, looks like initial sales are poor, but maybe because of the metacritic rating (and a lack of other titles ), it'll have some good legs.
  14. The game has been around for several years. A lot of its ideas have come and gone (and come back again!) over the several years hahaha.
  15. I wonder why the publishers don't agree though. If publishing during a "dry" spot was that conducive to limiting competition to maximize sales, wouldn't more publishers do it?
  16. Errr, lets be honest here...all of our opinions carry roughly the same weight here. I think that that is just rude. You can consider yourself a bigger fan of KOTOR than me if you like. I assure you, you're not. I won't claim to be a bigger fan of the series than you though. I appreciate that you're willing to sign an online petition because you think it will help, and that you have a higher faith in the effectiveness of online petitions than I do. I have no issue with you signing the petition, because as you say it doesn't really cause any harm. It's a difference of perspective, but I am usually quick to dismiss the effectiveness of such things, unless I can see/hear an official confirmation from someone developing the game that it did make an impact.
  17. I'm well aware of his point thanks. Anecdotes are nice and lend some credibility; I just don't blindly agree with a supposition because some people claim it's true. It could be, and it logically makes sense, but at the same time, surely these "dry spots" have existed in the past, and other games have done better than expected because of them. Which leads to the question, why are there dry spots in game releases?
  18. That's like saying you'd take special forces vs regular infantry.
  19. I'm a bit hesitant to ascribe a causal link here. What precisely were the expectations for the game?
  20. Whew, today was a busy day. With respects to weapon sizes, I also have the most play/test time with the human body frame, which is the largest, so larger weapons make less of an obvious visual impact.
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