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Everything posted by Hannibal_PJV

  1. Sounds like your player pdif has changed for some reason. Check them out in both versions. If the player pdif has changed in Android version. Contact the support@obsidian.net with information about new and old pdif and ask if They can put old pdif back in the use.
  2. So after the next patch there will be 155 bugs in the program if you keep the same pace... But, yeah, programs Are Little buggers, when the sun spots have wrong turn... Keep those patch coming, the bugs have to run out Sooner or later. And, actually the game has been getting better Little by Little. So good work!
  3. Duh... I always keep 0 cards in my stash after adventure, so newer have had so Many cards in there. Sounds a lot like overflow or other memory problem. There should be somekind of worning if you Are running out of your quota....
  4. Sometimes the restart is all that is needed, but sometimes you have to contact support@obsidian.net with our pdfi.
  5. Yep. There Are quite Many more of them! One reason to play different scenarios again with different characters
  6. Yep. Here too iOs version did come out today.
  7. Most likely Apple store has not verified the update yet. Apple store just is slover sometimes compared to google store.
  8. IOs version is not out yet. It sometimes takes more time to verify the updates in Apple store. But it should be soon, so we just have to wait.
  9. It is not very demanding graphically. If you like light rpg Style card games. You can not go wrong. It depends a lot what kind of games do you like.
  10. I am not sure, but a developer in another thread did say that it is legendary.
  11. And that 5000 gold is for legendary level.
  12. Hells vengeage would be nice! It is fun to have Evil character From time to time... who me...
  13. Roger, Roger! Most likely those character dls but I can always hope for new big box release some day
  14. You find it within a game that you have Valeros. It is an extra space on the map.
  15. The Runelords is the whole game everything else is extra. Nice extra to have but not needed to play the Runelords. Hopefully we will get another 25$ game with pirates, but that is whole new story
  16. I bought the whole Bundle and no need for mikro transfers. There is a lot of options to chose From. If I like the game you can then buy more content. It is everyones own choise.
  17. Make new party with lem only... that is solo quest!
  18. That kind of situation can make quite a havok. Forfeit is your friend in there if you just can do it. If that does not help. Try to remove the party and form a new by using same experienced characters.
  19. Well then Arkham can be a problem. Some cards have a quite a lot text. Aka small text. I manage it but I would not maind if it could be bigger... so better to check out first.
  20. Recomendable attitude! Do you hapen to like the new Arkham horror lcg. You seem to be perfect candidate to like that game too
  21. There Are very few personel, so it can take from couple of days to week or more. But if you don’t get ansver in couple of weeks try again. The internet is full of black holes... Also contacting directly some Paizo personel in these Forum by pm, can also help.
  22. Contact support@obsidian.net with your pdif and proof of purhace.
  23. Normally these Are Connection problems...
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