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Everything posted by Hannibal_PJV

  1. Lini, Lem, Amiri for three... Or Lini, Lem, Merciel Lini, Seoni, Amiri, Mersiel for four... But in reality allmost any combination works. It is just preferences. But is nice to have arcane, Divine, melee and ranged character so that you can use all cards that you find during adventures.
  2. ;-) Nah we Finnish Are very straight forward people!
  3. Here is the map of the orienteering hapening that I was part of in making the tracks. Very difficult orienteering area. https://www.dropbox.com/s/i1raaetvsos70jf/Photo%2014.6.2016%2021.17.53.jpg?dl=0 It was today so I can release the map for those who want so see it.
  4. Well I live in Finland and both Apple and Android Connection does work in all platforms, so I don't think that it is country spesific problem. Something else is hindering there. I have tried this in Galaxy tab 4, Galaxy s2, Android mini and iPad air 2. Can it be tablet spesific? What tablet you have? Is someone else does not have problems with that tablet then it is not the problem but if other people who has same tablet Also have same tablet as you, it may be device related. Just to narrow down possibilities. I agree that it did work better before that google play system was released in final product but maybe there Are some securitynreasons of using it instead of in game loggin mechanics.
  5. The copy save file should work Also otherwice around, not sure though how well emulator support clod saves...
  6. You can already make a copy of your save slot. I have done that Many times so that dev can see my save file. And yes, leaving device too long on and running out of battery both cause corrupted files. So manually barking up is wice even the cloud save can save you. Have you tried to completely remove the game and hope that clod save is still intact? http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/86452-progress-sync-across-multiple-android-devices/
  7. then the physical and digital versions have different wording, my card text is From physical version. So there is a text error in digital, or that the programming is made by using text From the physical version despite text change.
  8. It should be in the cloud, but that requires that you Are Locked in... You can tray to manually copy save folder and then copy it to your PC to emulator save folder.
  9. This normally happens, when save file gets corrupted. The characters get Locked and after that They disappear. Did happen Many time during the beta.
  10. My malfeshnekor reads "Draw 3 items From the box. You may choose 1 and add it to your hand; banish any not chosen. If you added one to your hand, each character at this location is deal 1d4+1 fire damage. After the encounter, banish the pit of Melfeshnekor." So is there different versions of this card?
  11. Here Are some clarifications http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2q9xk?Cards-that-let-you-explore-and-cards-that-dont https://boardgamegeek.com/filepage/95118/turn-sequence-breakdown http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2toa6?Imrijkas-timing-of-roll-for-another-explore http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2qcr4?new-downloadable-version-of-the-PACG-rulebook https://boardgamegeek.com/thread/1083266/multiple-explores-one-character
  12. It say banish, so it actually is different thing. Good point zeroth hour!
  13. Armor of XXXXXX Armor Magic Discard this card to do YYYY... REASON: Because of Valeros Armor Master... A set of Armours at different levels an suitable power for the level. Example level 1: discard this armour to add 1 to strength test Level 4: discard this armour to add 5 to the wisdom check or something similar. Ofcourse the normal recharge to reduce combat. Banish to reduce ... Powers like in normal armour, just don't use too powerfull powers in the discard part. So that these would not be too good...
  14. Blessing of fate has to be banish blessing for the healing power or it would be op compared to healing potion. It still would be Many times better than healing potion... Maybe: blessing of fate Discard this card to add 1 die... Banish this card to suffle d3 random cards From you discard pile... Then it would be Little worse in healing that healing potion, but more vertisile, because it would Also be able to use as a blessing. Even then it would be much better than healing potion, but not so op any more... Game balancing is a tricky task. You first card is actually ok. The second should Also be bury or it would be too good... Mimic is hard... What power it would actually copy, because Many powers have different power versions of them. Very hard card to balance... Also just because there is Seoni, this would newer get banished, so it seems to be op... Maybe so that you could borrow a skill? Melee: str +1, acrobaticts: dexterity +3 and so on. Then it would not be overload powerfull, but still be very usefull because you could use skill that you don't normally have. Though it still may be op in Group of 6, but Group of 6 is normally a Little bit harder so this could actually balance out...
  15. You play endless pathfinder game with unlimited amounth of scenarios. There is a limit how long you Are gonna willing to play the same story scenarios again and again. It can be quite Many actually, because there Are so Many party combinations, but Sooner or later (like in my case) you Are willing to try something else. But in quest mode there may not be the end, but I am quessing that somewhere in the end of "level" 6 there will be hand writed end of the game scenarios. It would be quite pointless without them because you will run out of new cards and, skills and powers and so on. So in the end there has to be a end scenario. But because They Are random you should not run too often to the same combinations of powers and Villains and so on. This is at this moment a quite "work on progress" so I Expect that we will see a lot of more variation, and those hand made scenarios here and there can be interesting too. Mini quest as someone called them. So it is more traditional nethack/rogue type of game where there is end goal, but dungeons aka scenarios Are randomly made mostly.
  16. The Main idea is that you build your deck only From cards From that class deck, and Also that it is very well suited to playing with different players, because every player have only their own card in their decks after the game. It would be very well suited to online multiplayer. Nijaed!
  17. Lot of server problems today? (13.6.2016) A lot of you Are Connected, you Are not Connected messages. Server spikes or something else? https://www.dropbox.com/s/07t14fxhrlnk5zo/Photo%2013.6.2016%2021.49.00.png?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/g75oafaxki1hpba/Photo%2013.6.2016%2021.50.14.png?dl=0
  18. Not sure for the first. Bugged party can bug big time... Treasure chest card will remain. So no worry in there. If you delete bugged party cards go back to the card pool.
  19. You collect gold in days that you log in. It does not stack.
  20. Those too together has caused most problems, with suitable scenario power. It all depends on the combination. One part of the mix can be fun, but sometimes you get fatal combinations. http://forums.obsidian.net/topic/86480-worst-luck-stories/page-4 There is one of my... "Oh my god, we Are gonna die" experiences ;-) It was totally fun annihilation )
  21. It is easier to go to the Arms shop in the Night with the crowbar than do the bargain with the shopkeeper during the daylight ;-)
  22. This is a bug, because cards don't have memory in the Pathfinder card game. So I should roll separately each time you encounter that card. http://paizo.com/threads/rzs2q7r0?Some-Thoughts-After-1500-Pathfinder-ACG-Threads I have encountered this in other scenarios too.
  23. Hmm... So this game seems to be a memory or resource hog. I have played mostly with iPad air 2 and have had very few problems. Seems to be that there should be higher device requirements to this game description in the app shop.
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