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Everything posted by LittleRose

  1. I see that people who write those hateful comments always refer to refugees in general. That includes women, children and family men, who actually respect our laws instead of committing crimes. But that generalization makes less smart people think that refugees in general are the problem. Drive them all out or kill them all, and we can be save again. The problem is, that our government isn't able to put our laws through. Punish the people who break those laws, and every innocent person can be happy. But that doesn't happen. Because our government, and there's the irony, is afraid to be called racist again, if they're too rough to the refugees and other immigrants. Rather let them get away with nearly everything, so other countries can't blame us for abusing foreingers. That's where the hate comes from. Yes, our government is very sensitive when it comes to dealing with immigrant criminals. It's always been like that. The problem has only worsened with all these refugees around. People are tired of that attitude. But instead of concentrating their hate on the culprit, the government, many turn against the refugees. Including the innocent ones. And that's what I don't like at all. Very reasonable sentiment. Sadly, I can only see all of this going in a very bad direction. How bad it will be depends on how long this gets stretched out. Solutions that come sooner will be more pleasant than those that come later. Then we better expect the worst.
  2. It's reasonable to expect that people who've had a collective responsibility to embrace and care for a collective of people at their own collective expense will collectivize responsibility of the actions of members of the incoming collective of people. Such is the nature of collectivism. Collectivism is all-or-nothing; you can't be choosy when collectivism applies. I'm not an expert on Germany, but I'd be willing to bet $1,000,000 that the hate speech isn't the reason any asylums are burning. While it's possible you know something about this I don't; I strongly suspect you're concluding that the reaction to the problem is the cause of the problem. Interestingly enough; this is the better solution to the hate speech than the censorship. Solve the problem, and the hate will go away. It seems you learned the wrong lesson. The common denominator for senseless state mass-murders is, government dominated discourse + hardship. Germany is actually somewhat recreating those conditions. I'm not saying that censorship is right. But yes, I do see something. I see that people who write those hateful comments always refer to refugees in general. That includes women, children and family men, who actually respect our laws instead of committing crimes. But that generalization makes less smart people think that refugees in general are the problem. Drive them all out or kill them all, and we can be save again. The problem is, that our government isn't able to put our laws through. Punish the people who break those laws, and every innocent person can be happy. But that doesn't happen. Because our government, and there's the irony, is afraid to be called racist again, if they're too rough to the refugees and other immigrants. Rather let them get away with nearly everything, so other countries can't blame us for abusing foreingers. That's where the hate comes from. Yes, our government is very sensitive when it comes to dealing with immigrant criminals. It's always been like that. The problem has only worsened with all these refugees around. People are tired of that attitude. But instead of concentrating their hate on the culprit, the government, many turn against the refugees. Including the innocent ones. And that's what I don't like at all.
  3. You don't even know what the word "Nazi" means, else you wouldn't call me one. Yes, that girl was done injustice, but I was referring to this: “The war and economic refugees are flooding our country. They bring terror, fear, sorrow. They rape our women and put our children at risk,” Not all of them do that. And that's my point. By the way, Nazis are allowed to demonstrate like every other citizen of this country. They even get official permissions to do so. Why? Because the law for freedom of speech is on their side. I'm a woman, too. Don't think that I wasn't as afraid as any other one of us. I try to act strong on the outside. I'm determined to ram my knee in the crotch of anyone who touches me. But who knows if I get the chance to actually do so in case I'm assaulted? The other day there was an article in our local paper. A "refugee" who had sexually assaulted several women won't even need to face the judge. Why? Because the public persecutor in charge decided that the man didn't mean to be rude. Oh, right. And they wonder about the rising hate in our country. I see asylums burning, I read about even children of those refugees being harassed. But on the other hand some false "refugees" are ignoring our laws and laugh at our police. The people who help them get here promise them paradise, and when reality hits, they take revenge on us for not keeping promises we've never made. Still, spreading hate isn't the answer, because most refugees are real refugees, who just want to be save. The answer would be to send everyone, who refuses to be registered by a woman or even breaks our laws, straight back home, because obviously those people don't need our protection. They need to be taught our social rules, because when they come here, they don't know anything about Germany but its name. Yes, our govenrment has failed and doesn't know how to put things right, but spreading hate against refugees won't change anything. It will only make things worse. I don't want a war between refugees and long term German citizens. But that's where that hate spreading will lead. Stop blaming everything on the refugees. The government has made severe mistakes from the start, and all of them are much worse than stopping people from damning all refugees in general. So blame them by voting for someone else next year. I most certainly will. Want to hear about those mistakes? 1. There is no orgenization in dealing with the masses of refugees. Many have spent so much time here without getting a job or even an own home, they'd rather go back. But they can't, because some clerks have lost their passports. Believe it or not, it's sad but true. 2. People come here from many different countries and cultures, but nobody tells them what they're supposed to do here. Noone sais "Our women have the same status as men. Deal with it." or "For heaven's sake, don't party the hole night, some people want to sleep." or "No, you're not allowed to just take any type of wood that's lying around to make a fire. It belongs to someone." When one small town created a leaflet with such information, people called the mayor an Nazi. I call him an intelligent person, becaus he addressed problems that had occured during life with all those refugees and tried to help it in a peaceful way. 3. Too many things were tolerated. Imagine the scandal, when some police officers admitted they'd been instructed not to investigate crimes committed by refugees. What did our politicians think would happen? That those incidents would stop if nothing was done about them? 4. Putting families in the same room as men who are travelling alone. Yes, some of those tried to take other people's daughters. Of cause there were severe fights then. Send those perverts back where they came from. We have too many of that kind already, we don't need more from other countries. 5. Ignoring job qualifications. So you were a doctor in Ghana? Well, don't care, here's a broom. Go sweep the street. And you've been repairing cars your entire life? That's cute, now go and empty that garbage can. For goodness sake, just let them work under superveillance till they meet our standard, then let them pass a test to gain permission to work in their old job again. We need more medical coverage in the villages anyway. And what's wrong with mechanics? Those people aren't taking our jobs because oure politicians don't give them a chance to do so in the first place. No surprise those people are desperate and don't feel like they have anything left to lose. So, stopping people from spreading hate by court seems to be a bit harsh, on the other hand our judical system is supposed to be independent. Heaven knows what's going on there, but it's always been weird, even long before the refugee crisis. Oh, how I know about all those things? German papers, German TV channels, German radio stations, people working with refugees talking about it on the internet... And guess what? None of those have been arrested for criticizing the government directly. Because none of them has damned refugees in general. Just the ones who had actually committed crimes.
  4. They were arrested because they accused all immigrants in general. And you're allowed to have that opinion. You are, though, not allowed to call for violence against immigrants and refugees. Those people broke a law that exists because of our past. You can say, you don't want so many people from another culture here, becaus some of them rape women. But those people blamed refugees in general, like every refugee would steal our stuff and rape us. How would you feel, if someone called you a thief and, even worse, a rapist, just because of your origin? Even though you've never commited a crime before. How many more refugee asylums do you want to see burning because of hate speeches like that? That's not standing up to Merkel, that's just spreading hate. Want to stand up to her? Whenever she sais "We'll make it" ask her "How?" and don't let go until she has a plan. Blame her for the fact that all those convicted criminals aren't sent back to where they came from immediately, so we have more room for the people who are greatful to have a save place to raise their children. For that's what a wise leader would do. If people saw those criminals punished, they'd be more satisfied and wouldn't start to hate refugees in general. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volksverhetzung
  5. Do you have any source for this "threaten, bully and inprison germans who dare to stand up"? Because right now i cant think of any. Unless you mean idiots like these Reichsbürger folks who are basically on the same page as random american civil militia xy survivalist nuts. As much as I dislike her, she doesn't imprison anyone just for his opinion. She doesn't have that much power in this country, so she couldn't even if she wanted to. Everybody's allowed to criticize her as we see fit.
  6. That won't be necessary this time. We've got plenty of almost ghost towns in east Germany, former GDR. Guess why. I just want to let you know that I've never voted for her. I'm fully aware that she's the head of a bunch of last century morons, who have no idea of the modern world. Even the internet is new to them - they've just discovered it mid decade. And they're so proud of that, it'd kind of cute, if it wasn't so pathetic. Sometimes I don't want to live in this country anymore. Still, the AfD would be even a lot worse, so the next election is very important. I don't want "Angie" for another couple of years, but I'd really hate to those racists in charge. Compared to them, Trump is a pacifistic and tolerant genius. I've studied history. I don't want to see it happen again.
  7. Arcanum 2 is one of my most wanted games, but I don't think they'll ever make it. I love Arcanum. On my last playthrough, I convinced the bandits at the bridge, that they were talking to an important member of the Thief's Guild of Tarant, so I could pass without any further trouble. That was fun.
  8. How many pages fit in this thread? Just kidding, but I have a "hometown" in most RPGs. Let me see. -Trynton (Wizardry VIII) It's built in the trees, so it's save from most dangerous animals. The view is fantastic, and the Trynnie are among the cutest and kindest inhabitants of all fantasy and sci-fi realms. -Tarant (Arcanum) Huge, as a capital should be. And so atmospheric with the different districts, the newspaper, the museum etc. -New Reno (Fallout 2) Again, the atmosphere. Just don't feel too save there, or you might end up caught in the conflict between the leading families. -Wyzima (The Witcher 1) Like Starwars said, the atmosphere of this city is outstanding. It's very detailed. Not as detailed as Tarant, but it's a very good approach as well. -Balmora (The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind) I don't know why, but whenever I want to rest a little from my adventures in the wilderness and the dungeons of Vvardenfell, I go to Balmora. I just feel at home there. A few mods even add to this. -Riva (Realms of Arkania III: Shadows over Riva) I've spent countless hours in this town, so I grew attached to it. Just don't worry about the giant rat in the sewers. It's probably too big to get out through the manholes. -Sigil (Planescape: Torment) It's huge, and the different districts and guilds are so imaginative. Where else do you help a pregnant alley to give birth to a street? Honorable mention: -Jirinaar (Albion) The Iskai live in harmony with their planet. The grown plant houses are really beautiful, but also a bit alien, as they should. Too bad the game gives me terrible motion sickness within less than 15 minutes. I've never finished it, and only explored the parts of Jarinaar that I actually had to go to for shopping or for the main quest. I might add more in a couple of monthes, as I'm catching up on some games that I missed in the 90s, due to the lack of a computer or a console. (Thanks, GoG) I also haven't finished every RPG of the last couple of years yet, because I got lost in the Elder Scrolls. Those are time consuming, especially if you add mods and roleplay several characters instead of playing every guild at once. (What am I doing here? I should be playing.)
  9. According to the description, you wouldn't go far through time. Only between two periods, which are both distant future to us. So, no messing with real history. I know things like that from classic adventures, where they usually work just fine without being too confusing.
  10. Did you have to do that, soulcycle? Now I want that, too.
  11. I'd be in for Pathfinder.
  12. As promised, I'll add a few more now. Skyrim: A draugr climbed out of his grave, just to turn around again because he'd forgotten his sword in his casket. Once I was attacked by a dragon on the open road. Nothing unusual so far, but as I was preparing for the fight, a highwayman addressed me. You know, life or money. He mocked me, because I just quickly tossed him a few coins without any attempt to resist. Then he, too, finally noticed the dragen. Boy, that khajiit could run. The Realms of Arcania: I'm not sure if it was part two or three, but imagine this. One of my characters lost a bit of charisma for a little while, because she'd stepped in dog's mess. That's what I call detailed. In part two, Star Trail, I once accidently sold one of my hero's pants. I didn't even notice until I left the shop and a woman started shreeking. Neverwinter Nights 2: My most hilarious moment in this game was when I finally found out, what the name these Gith called me meant. I'd already excpected to be a part of some prophecy again, but the meaning was so profane, I nearly fell of my chair because I was laughing so hard. You really got me there, Obsidian. Mass Effect Mass Effect 2 I'm not done with it yet, because I hate to fight three armies just on the way to the supermarket, so I needed a break from all that shooting for a while. But I think I will get back to it eventually, because I like the story so far. Arcanum Arcanum also contains so many great ideas and quests. Like this experiment with the upbringing of a well educated half-orc and its tragic end. Or the option to sell my adventures to the local newspaper. And, of course, the Stillwater Giant quest, which is definitely one of my favorit quests ever.
  13. We all love games, especially RPGs. And we experience a lot of special moments in those games. Some are really epic, some are hilarious, some are even scary. So, let's share our best moments. I have so many to tell, I'll split them up. There will be more stories after someone else has posted his. Baldur's Gate II: I was exploring the area around the Copper Coronet, when suddenly a peasant started a dialog. That pour guy had lost his ring. Yoshimo advised him to go back the way he came and search there. I just thought "You haven't, have you?" Yes, Yoshimo had the peasant's ring in his inventory. Breath of Fire IV: I was talking to some NPCs around, when one of them stated: "Me? I like digging holes." I figured I shouldn't walk too close to him, so I took a step back - and fell in a hole. Dungeon Lords: I never finished this one, but there was a wonderful moment that still makes me laugh when I think back. The floors in the old dungeons sometimes collapsed. So when I fought my way through the undead under the cemetery, I broke through the floor and landed among a bunch of rats. Caught in surprise, I just started slashing my sword at every critter until none moved anymore. Then it dawned on me, what that ment roleplay wise: My hero, who had just bravely fought her way through so many scary undead without batting an eye, was freaking out because of a few tiny rats. I laughed so hard, I had to pause the game. Skyrim: During the battle for Solitude I wanted to try one of the smaller doors in the wall. Maybe one of them was a way past the barricades, but of course they were locked. When I turned around to run back to the main battlefield, I was surrounded by enemies. No matter how many I struck down, more came out of a nearby door. That seemed to be it for me. But suddenly, someone knocked one of my foes down from behind. Ulfric Stormcloak himself had seen that I was in serious trouble, and came to my rescue. Side by side we fought our way back. That was such an awesome moment, I still love this game for it, despite its flaws.
  14. Don't cheer too soon, they're going to add new games to the sale in round about 16 hours. It's not like I was drowning in unplayed RPGs or something because I want to have them already when I'm finally ready to play them.
  15. Drakensang, but I'm getting tired of it. I can't leave the area I'm in until I've completed it. So I've spent hours dragging my party from boss to boss. One more and I can go back to civilization, but I'm really sick of fighting. It's so tedious. So, I can't find any motivation for this last one at all. I think I need a break from this game. Again.
  16. Are you sure? I'd still play it. All that matters is how well it's done. So, why not? Just ignore the upcoming stuff, if you still feel like making such a mod.
  17. You can say that again. I thought I was the only one to complain about that. The characters don't really match the style of the environment, and the chocobos look completely out of place. I'm not sure if I'd play it if I got my hands on a console or if it came to PC.
  18. Actually, you're right, eimatshya. At least they've said in a Gamescom interview, that they'd release two other big games before they're even going to talk about TES VI. Well, my watchlist of RPGs is 39 games long, including a few hybrids. I can wait.
  19. Something like this? http://www.indiedb.com/games/dark-trails @Nonek: Thank you, but I already own a copy of Outcast. It's not really what I was thinking of.
  20. I don't know, but I've heard that Nier: Automata will.
  21. Now that I've seen No Man's Sky, how about a game that actually focuses on exploring a coninent on a foreign planet? Fauna, Flora and, the ruins of an ancient lost alien civilization. You could actually watch and document the animals' behaviour or play archeologist and uncover everything about that alien civilization, including what happened to it. Now that would be an open world game I'd like to play. Of course, you may add survival elements if you wish. Like finding out what's edible or finding water etc. Oh, and the world has to be handcrafted. Most procedurally generated worlds suck. Or how about this: You're kidnapped by aliens. While you face the inevitable examination, their ship is attacked and you're freed! It turns out that several alien races are interested in earth. Some want to colonize it, even by force if necessary, and bring their technology to earth. Others think that they should wait until humans are ready to join them themselves. Then there are those who think that humans are hardly more than animals and want to enslave them like we use horses ore donkeys to do our work. Your capturers are the type who wants to prove that humans are a species which might be able to find a way to join the alien society on their own. So they feel bad about what they're doing, but it's the only way. Which side do you join? What do you think is best for your people? On your search for the best answer you get to know the different alien races, their cultures, their ethics etc. That offers a lot of options for quests. Then you'll pick sides and help the people who you think are best für humanity and earth. That would make a nice sci-fi RPG, I think. At least the way I picture it.
  22. Actually, there are two series called Fallout. One ist by Black Isle, the other one is by Bethesda. There's no way these two can be related. I like Black Isle's Fallout better, but the newer one has its moments, too. Seriously, I know I will play Fallout 4 someday, though it'll never be as good as the classics. Curiosity'll make me buy the GotY once it comes out, but let's be honest. I used to love Bethesda for Morrowind, but their games these days feel like it's not even the same company any more. Well, it probably really isn't due to staff changes. Sad but true. And I'll never forgive them what they've done to the S.P.E.C.I.A.L. character system. It was the only thing left from the original Fallout games. They shouldn't have gotten rid of it. I have stopped hoping for a new classic style Fallout a long time ago, even long before Bethesda bought the franchise. I'd also take something new that has a similar feel to the original. But I'm not hoping for a true sequel, because Bethesda will never let go of this franchise. At least not as long as they're still getting a lot of money out of it. So, let's just cherish the memory as we used to before Fallout 3. Still, maybe Obsidian will come up with a new game in a similar setting? That would be great.
  23. I have almost everything I wanted and three free games more. Steam's next. Unfortunately, I can't take the Witcher 3 for now. Well, there's always a next sale. Until then I'm going to enjoy the summer as long as it lasts.
  24. I'm currently addicted to Drakensang. Well, at least almost addicted.
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