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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. There is actually a mod that will enable the console via an item, although I cannot recall the name.
  2. Oh yes, because I'll be willing to spend my money twenty-times for the same thing. Well... In some rare cases I might do this -I have, in fact, bought Fallout and Fallout II multiple times- but the majority of games are not worth the added price. It does if you do not want to support the "rental" system.
  3. No, but I do buy games and wonder if I will still be able to play them in ten years. In fact, I've got some things that are that old, or older, sitting right here and, guess what, I can still play them.
  4. Tripwire Interactive, of Red Orchestra fame, and the original authors are upgrading it and releasing it as a stand-alone product. Killing Floor is a survival horror total Unreal Tournament 2004 conversion set in London, England. http://www.moddb.com/mods/killing-floor ?
  5. Killing Floor looks awesome and I'm pre-ordering it now.
  6. Playing Now: Storm of Zehir - It's been fun so far but I'm missing the epic plot of Mask of the Betrayer. Left 4 Dead - Multi-player fun. Playing Soon: Velvet Assassin - I should get my copy this week! Jade Empire - I just completed a good character so now it's time to corrupt my companions and take over the world! Half Life 2 Co-op (Synergy Mod) - I've meant to try this for awhile and now I will. Fallout 3 - Will this be my "Let's Play?"
  7. And I should have a copy either tomorrow or Thursday and since no-one else has it yet, not sure when it's coming out on Steam but it should be soon, I guess I'll be Guinea Pig number one.
  8. Frankly, yes, I do. I want the social-conservatives to fade away into nothingness and not return.
  9. I would think a RPG would be best but if people wanted something else, say a FPS or point-and-click, I would be open to that as well.
  10. Hummm... Ok, if I wanted to do one what game would you guys like me to do? It should, preferably, either be cheap or one I already have and be a game that I had played before - although the last one could be discarded if the game was interesting enough.
  11. I've actually thought of doing a let's-play, so I'm game.
  12. Anything and everything.
  13. Most likely that was the alpha and, yeah, that had more than a few things to tweak. Still, it sounds like it's a lot better now.
  14. Wikipedia Page Official Home Gamespot Portal Gamestop Page Steam Page
  15. Well, seeing as it will be released this week and, at least formally, there was some interest in the game, I thought I would make this topic to discuss Velvet Assassin. Is anyone else planning on buying it? Has there been any word about what DRM will be used (I haven't heard anything)?
  16. I hardly think this is an "eye-opening business trend" due to the fact that sales of computers were down for both companies. All the data seems to show, for me, is that Apple has a much stronger MP3 and Phone devision than Microsoft - although that makes me wonder, did they include X-Box 360 data in the Microsoft sales numbers? If not, why didn't they remove the non-computer items from Apple's.
  17. I just bought SoZ so I guess I might as well install that... It was only $20 but, for some reason, I'm still not sure if I should have gotten it...
  18. Or the download might have been interrupted, or it might have ended prematurely, causing a broken file.
  19. Well, I don't know... If you're saying that any criticism of a game and/or the company's style is "bashing" then we might be doing that.
  20. Oh, there was plenty of "Beth bashing" here before they came.
  21. This took me all of one second...
  22. But that was painfully;y obvious, hell if you actually listen to the main ghoul's dialog he basically tells you what's going to happen.
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