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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. Ok, what's wrong with my copy of NWNII? :">
  2. What graphics card does that have Meta?
  3. That's why they tuned it down, so the game wouldn't become a barren wasteland of dead NPCs...
  4. The graphics look about right, think they're using the same game engine?
  5. While I'm sure your comments are meant to be edifying and/or humorous, they are completely irrelevant. Thus, since they add nothing to the topic at hand, I would hope you would take your attempts at comedy to another topic.
  6. That was an answer to the "why would anyone buy Kot0R II for the PC" question... "
  7. The PC Gamer Podcast...
  8. I'm Pro-choice, although I think that abortion is indirectly a bad thing - a symptom of a bigger problem. Namely, that something failed along the way. Maybe the birth control failed (we need more research into birth control to develop methods more reliable, and we also need to stop denying adults sterilizations simply because they're under an arbitrary limit set by patronizing "professionals"). Maybe the woman was practicing abstinence as birth control but was raped. Maybe she simply didn't feel that she could take control of her own reproduction or lack thereof and didn't try. Except when it's a medically necessary procedure to save life or avoid serious injury/illness, the need for an abortion means that something went wrong and a woman got pregnant who didn't want to. I don't LIKE the idea of abortion, but feel it's preferable to forcing people to continue pregnancies against their will and forcing them to choose between raising an unwanted child or putting yet another one into an already overloaded adoption and foster care system. I think a better solution would be to give people more power over their own bodies - an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and in this case preventing pregnancy in the first place is better than abortion after it's too late for prevention. But it's necessary to keep it safe and keep it legal because we don't HAVE 100% effective methods of birth control yet. Medications fail and can be affected by other necessary medications. Abstinence fails in the case of rape. Sterilization is almost impossible to obtain under 30. Basically, I'd like to get rid of most abortions by making them UNNECESSARY, so that the vast majority of abortions sought were for purely medical reasons. Not because they're morally bad, but because they're a sign of a failure somewhere in medicine or in society.
  9. I checked, and it is illegal to make this type of mod for the X-Box... If they work, that's great, but I would be inclined to write this off as a scam...
  10. So, has anyone tried them to see if he/she is telling the truth?
  11. TES:IV Oblivion
  12. You can't mod an x-box... <_<
  13. Your a riot, but some PS2 disks will melt if used in a PS3...
  14. One might call exploding PS2 disks an "issue"... "
  15. Survival
  16. 1. HK-47 2. Handmaiden 3. Visas Marr 4. Mandalore 5. Mira 6. Atton 7. T3-M4 8. Kreia 9. GO-TO 10. Bao-Dur 11. Hanharr 12. Disciple
  17. Bloodlines was a good RPG/FPS...
  18. Are you sure it's not that you are unable to see the text box, since that's normal...
  19. @LC Still, I take Mad's view, mainly that he should be killed as soon as possible...
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