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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. What you said is one of the things I hate the most about religion. It is a cop-out when you are backed in a corner. When someone provides evidence against your god, or your bible, you respond with the weathered expressions, "It is all according to god's will" or "you just need faith." I refuse to accept these as a rational explanations. Provide me with the tiniest piece of solid evidence; then I will give it some consideration. There is no way to back religion other than with unfounded ideology. Sure, scripture might have its usefulness, but in the end, its as real as Tolkien's Middle Earth, as imaginative as Ursula's Earthsea, and as fantastic as the Greek Myths.
  2. I've lost my head (a.k.a fun with "noclip")...
  3. I believe the FPS cap on the 360 is 30, but that might only be for Oblivion...
  4. Es stultior asino et "podex perfectus es." Edit: It's been over a year since I took Latin, so I'm sorry if I'm a little rusty...
  5. Nice, and did you tweak the game or are you using a Wesp Patch?
  6. Wild Chase ~Shine ~~Edenbridge
  7. You should look up the scientific use of "theory," as I believe you think it means the same thing as "guess" or supposition." This is not correct, as "theory," when used in the scientific sense, is a logical explanation -or a testable model- and is capable of being tested through experiment or through empirical observation. "Theory" and "fact" do not necessarily stand in opposition, and, in the case of evolution, are equivalent.
  8. I'm, once more, having fun with Zombies...
  9. Yes, and a floating ball of pasta is the most likely the all powerful being...
  10. There is no feasible way to back a literal translation of the Bible (exempli gratia: creationism) other than twisted, unfounded, religious ideology. While it is your right to attempt to sway those who dissent, you can do nothing but regurgitate, in my mind, the same old drivel. You have NO eyewitnesses, only a book that has been translated and rewritten hundreds of times. Consider the source, and you might agree that the Bible is clearly a secondary source that contains its own bias. Do you think that the writers and re-writers would not try to change the Bible for their own motives? I can only surmise that if the Christian Fundamentalists, and others, take the Bible at face value they could also take "Jack and the Beanstalk" at face value. Yes, many places in the Bible have been found; or rather it is believed that they have been found. There is no evidence, however, that proves these are the same places. Even if they are, what does this prove? There are a lot of historic accuracies in the bible, but that does not mean every word of it is true by default. It would be ludicrous to conclude that, simply because some of the locations described in the Bible exist, the entire tome is historically accurate. Biblical evidence does not meet current academic standards, and therefore their
  11. Have you tried a manual uninstall (i.e. deleting the files)?
  12. It is the program that starts The Sith Lords. TSL = The Sith Lords
  13. I'm reading The Ancestor's Tale by Richard Dawkins.
  14. I suspect that's the problem, so try this:
  15. Kot0R doesn't like Intel chipsets for some reason, so that's probably the issue... Edit: Are you running Vista?
  16. Isolated ~Divided We Fall ~~Chiasm Vs. TL5* *Threat Level 5
  17. Sometimes I wish the entire game was filled with exploding zombies...
  18. What are your system specs?
  19. A Vampire -something or other would irrefutably be a better choice...
  20. ~Sorrow ~~Pink Floyd
  21. I talked to another modder, and she concurred with my initial supposition; Sorry mate, but your idea is virtually impossible. The only people who could currently convert Kot0R II into a multiplayer game are LucasArts, Obsidian, or Bioware, and I doubt you can convince them to make one at the current time. DN Edit: ****ing hell! If you have the cash to but the developer toolset and want this "mod", buy the damn thing!
  22. I believe that we, the modders, would need access to the original developer toolset, something that, unless you have enough money to buy it for us, we do not have access to...
  23. Nightingale ~Come Away With Me ~~Norah Jones
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