Dude you're quoting Angelfire sites. Not really a webhost i call reliable since most crap that can be found on the net is to 30% from angelfire -.o
"SuperShadow—Threads dedicated to this big fraud are out of the question. In fact, any reference to him and/or his site will result in severe modsmacking."
—"Lad," Message Board monitor at StarWars.com
"The site, and the person who runs it, have absolutely no relationship with Lucasfilm or George Lucas. The person who runs it has never met nor talked to George Lucas. So-called information, "scoops", and interviews on the site are complete fabrications. Lucasfilm has taken action against the site several times when it has attempted to solicit fans' money under false pretenses."
—Lucasfilm's Pablo Hidalgo in issue #90 (Nov-Dec 2006) of the Star Wars Insider Magazine.
You mentioned a site called Supershadow. This site is run by Mickey Suttle, a man who says he has the nonexistent rights to Star Wars Episodes VII, VIII, IX, X, XI, and XII. SuperShadow also claims the sequels will feature a battle between an aged Mace Windu and Boba Fett, where Fett "finally gets his revenge" against Windu for the death of his father. This however would be difficult as Windu was killed by then-Supreme Chancellor Palpatine in 19 BBY. Suttle's explanation is that Windu landed on some garbage after his fall out the window and survived, going into hiding. He, Mickey, also dismisses all religions, other than Christianity, as "trash".
His other lies include:
He directed and wrote the prequel series.
Jar-Jar is the world's favorite Star Wars character.
The only "real" interviews with George Lucas are hosted on SS.
The EU is not canon, despite GL's statements to the contrary.
That "starwars.com is not an official Lucas web site."
That "SuperShadow.com is the official web site of George Lucas."
That "Lucas doesn’t want us linking to starwars.com because it contains so much false information from the expanded universe of novels, comic books and video games."
That "Lucas has stated that his vision only covers the Star Wars films and SS.com."