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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. Have you tried running the application on only one core?
  2. Post if you find a good one.
  3. Crysis mainly has driver issues.
  4. But where did you install the game?
  5. If you leave disks out they will decay - thus the question.
  6. No. Kotor I was great, and so was Kotor II - in fact TSL was better.
  7. No, it is only "God" when talking about the idea that is named "God." For example, I would not say "I do not believe in a God" - for I said I do not believe in a general deity and not the specific one named "God." uh...what? I have no clue what you mean. I should not capitalize the "god" in the above statement because I was not talking about the particular thing called God.
  8. **** no - completely different. Explain. Ostensibly if there is no God then God doesn't exist, if you can do it without being snooty - if you can't then don't bother. No, no, no. An atheist is a person who does not believe in a god or gods, not one who says there is no god or gods. You are asking me to refute a stawman.
  9. Nice char, what did you use to shoot the movie - fraps?
  10. Buy the game, use the CDs to install - I will not help you fix an illegal copy.
  11. Try using the CD - also uninstall and reinstall.
  12. No, it is only "God" when talking about the idea that is named "God." For example, I would not say "I do not believe in a God" - for I said I do not believe in a general deity and not the specific one named "God."
  13. **** no - completely different. Nope, an agnostic, literally, is one who does not know anything about the existence of a god - a very weak position to argue from. It is more likely that someone who is "agnostic" is really an agnostic atheist or an agnostic deist. Atheist and deist deal with what you believe, gnostic and agnostic deal with what you know. Please educate yourself before making claims - the definitions are not that hard to understand but most people misinterprate them. Also, just so you know, I am an agnostic atheist - id est I do not believe in a god or gods but cannot definitively say that there is no god with one-hundred percent certainty.
  14. Did you leave the disk out in the sun?
  15. That would depend on the mythos of the zombies you were facing - for you would want dramatically differing weapons for, say, a World War Z style outbreak than you would in a 28 Days scenario. If you were fighting the more classical issue undead, a trench knife would be a nice weapon for hand-to-hand combat.
  16. Consign to Oblivion - Epica
  17. The link works with IE, but not with Firefox - or at least that's what I found to be true.
  18. Nothing wrong with that, I know several women who pole-dance as a hobby - the fact that you do it does not make you a stripper or anything like that.
  19. Atheism does not say that "'god does not exist" - it is the belief that there is no god or gods. You have confused gnostic atheism with atheism.
  20. Actually, I know just as many, if not more, female gamers who loath Carth than I know male gamers who hate him.
  21. I just convert them.
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