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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. I was hoping to know what graphics card and CPU you were using - and also how much RAM you have.
  2. Ok... Mass Effect has a better story than every other game that came before it? Why was its story so good when compared to the others -I have yet to play it as I do not own a 360-, and why are you so dismissive of past games? Have you played these classics, or are you making an attack et al without good reason?
  3. A quick question - is this a legal copy? If not, that would most likely be the issue. Your graphics card could also be what could be crashing the problem.
  4. What the hell is he doing with his knife? Stabbing crates. Classic FPS gameplay right there. umm I meant the stroking the sharp edge with his bare fingers Oh -that. I have no idea, it's the default animation for some reason. It looks ridiculous. I agree.
  5. What the hell is he doing with his knife? Stabbing crates. Classic FPS gameplay right there. umm I meant the stroking the sharp edge with his bare fingers Oh -that. I have no idea, it's the default animation for some reason.
  6. Yeah, sometimes the editor accidentally corrupts a file and you cannot edit it until you re-save that file in-game.
  7. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Knife Kill
  8. Yeah, I'm going to try that once I figure out how to get mods working on Vista -I'm playing STALKER on my laptop and the moment- and get tired of the vanilla game. Anyways, I just wiped out an entire military complex with nothing more than a few grenades and my knife - and, yeas, this was done without cheats. I'll post a video of the aftermath in the picture thread (I have yet to get the screenshot button to work in vista as well - although everything else is fine).
  9. I'm using the tag "[soDOFF]" in game - and, yeah, I still watch the group page to see who's on.
  10. Let me see - I've currently have both Baldur's gate I and II and Neverwinter Nights I, and all of its extensions, installed on both of my PCs, and I am going to go through Kot0R I in the near future. Sure, they might not be the best games out there - but they were a damn sight better than most and all of them either got on my top-ten list or, in the case of the last game mentioned, my "enjoyed playing and would buy again" list.
  11. I'm getting my ass handed to me in STALKER.
  12. Chasing the Dragon - Epica
  13. It sounds like the game has an internal override - odd.
  14. And would also guess, and hope, that you would find posts chastising those members.
  15. I really have more of a problem with the original game than I do with the mod - although I am not thrilled with either of them. In my eyes, the latter is more like a parody of the former, and not something to take seriously until it has been proven to be harmful.
  16. Humm... Have you tried what I suggested? If not, do so. If you have, and that did not help you, then you might look into the possibility that her particular module cannot be changed - although this would seem odd. Are there any errors?
  17. What does the large dog-head mean?
  18. They're basically the only games worth playing any more. The games I still play are pre 2005. Well, with a few exceptions, I agree with you - most of the games I play are older.
  19. The other forums might not require the IPs to be the same - are you sure they use this form of verification?
  20. You might need to reequip or unequip items to reset the appearance - or at least that is what I think needs to be done.
  21. I still think it's your IP address - I tried from a dynamic IP the other day and it asked me to log in, just as you describe.
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