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Everything posted by Deadly_Nightshade

  1. Did I ever say that, no I did not. Please stop building strawmen when arguing points. In fact, I believe that either one has its streangths and weaknesses - so the strogest force user is one who embraces both. I said more than that, please stop trying to condense my arguments into contrite little sound-bytes and respond to the points raised. Maybe You should spend more time reading the Extended Universe. As for the "five or ten examples," sure post them - but be prepared for five to ten examples of Darkside users who have not been killed by Jedi. I never disagreed on that point, however, according to the Episode III Book -I'll try to find my copy for the exact quote if you demand it- Obi-Wan was more skilled than Vader. If you look at Anakin/Vader's fighting style, the jump fit in with his aggressive, risky nature. Even when he was a Jedi Anakin used such moves, and so I would blame it on him being, well, stupid.
  2. You cannot know that error will be fixed, nor can you assume that there are no errors on the page when you view it - and thus NO WIKI can be trusted. As for people "screwing up topics for fun," yeah I have seen that and I have seen people willingly edit articles to be extremely biased towards their own point of view. You put far too much trust in people's "good nature" if you think these things do not happen, nor are all of the edits "corrected." Also, you have, mainly, been using logical fallacies to support your points, and thus you must go back and address those points before you can make a completely valid argument. Edit: Fine, here's you first point to examine: However, it must be noted that the vast majority of darksiders, Sith and Dark Jedi alike, have eventually been defeated by light side Force-users. Prove that statement and I will provide you with others. Edit: Another quick one: Obi-Wan Kenobi defeated both Darth Maul and Darth Vader, despite being the less skilled combatant in both duels, Darth Malak was similarly defeated by Revan despite drawing on the massive dark power of the Star Forge, Darth Tyranus felt threatened by Anakin Skywalker and allowed his pride to blind him to Skywalker's true power, and Darth Sidious was defeated by Mace Windu.
  3. Doom 3; I really do not understand how this game can be considered "scary" unless it improves later on, as, from what I have seen so far, it is not as intense as the labs in S.T.A.L.K.E.R. or the Ocean House in Bloodlines. I've even tried playing it at night with all the lights out, but, still, I'm not getting the terrifying experience others claim this game gives them.
  4. I am now an Election Official for the County of Albemarle - sure it's not much of a job but at least I'm sort of helping with the democratic process.
  5. You know ANYONE can edit Wookieepedia, don't you?
  6. Have you found the one in the cave yet?
  7. For a second there, when I saw you talking about two people, I thought it was going to be the guys who made Hot Fuzz and Sean of the Dead* - alas it was something much, much worse. *Not that those are bad movies.
  8. Yeah, the Brujah are a fun clan - although not having ranged skill(s) might make the end of the game a lot harder.
  9. Darkness Dawning - Doom Remixed
  10. You might try the co-op mod for Doom 3, it was fairly good and made an otherwise, mostly, blah game into a fun experience.
  11. Damn, "her" should have been "here". >_<

  12. I see some strawmen!
  13. Yes, you CAN train Bao-Dur in the ways of the force.
  14. You could seal them with a tar-like substance or otherwise cauterize the wounds.
  15. Yes, you are still a nooblet and will probably always be one in my eyes. The amount of time you have been her is not as important as other things that you lack.

  16. I don't know how reliable these links are, but a quick search turned up these articles: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/...alive'.html http://news.scotsman.com/world/Nick-Draine...ench.4210692.jp http://www.earthtimes.org/articles/show/21...h-republic.html http://aktualne.centrum.cz/czechnews/clanek.phtml?id=608378 http://www.praguepost.com/articles/2008/06...-of-slavery.php
  17. Doom 3 - although I need to find the expansion pack before I finish.
  18. Well, downloading a copy would technically be legal if you once bought a real version of the game.
  19. I might, although it would depend on when you wanted to play and how good my connection is.
  20. Evenpath (live) - Nightwish
  21. Too light - it would be much better to slowly lower, or shower, them with sulfuric acid after infecting them with multiple Human Botfly larvae.
  22. Errrg... You are using the well known fallacies "post hoc ergo propter hoc*" and "**** hoc ergo propter hoc" when examining data. While you might have the grounds for a correlation argument, you need to provide more data. * A occurred, then B occurred. Therefore, A caused B. For example, Obi-Wan defeated Darth Vader; thus Jedi are stronger than Sith.
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