You cannot know that error will be fixed, nor can you assume that there are no errors on the page when you view it - and thus NO WIKI can be trusted. As for people "screwing up topics for fun," yeah I have seen that and I have seen people willingly edit articles to be extremely biased towards their own point of view. You put far too much trust in people's "good nature" if you think these things do not happen, nor are all of the edits "corrected." Also, you have, mainly, been using logical fallacies to support your points, and thus you must go back and address those points before you can make a completely valid argument.
Edit: Fine, here's you first point to examine: However, it must be noted that the vast majority of darksiders, Sith and Dark Jedi alike, have eventually been defeated by light side Force-users. Prove that statement and I will provide you with others.
Edit: Another quick one: Obi-Wan Kenobi defeated both Darth Maul and Darth Vader, despite being the less skilled combatant in both duels, Darth Malak was similarly defeated by Revan despite drawing on the massive dark power of the Star Forge, Darth Tyranus felt threatened by Anakin Skywalker and allowed his pride to blind him to Skywalker's true power, and Darth Sidious was defeated by Mace Windu.