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Everything posted by Darth_Zonos

  1. your faith in revan being evil is misplaced
  2. he whent to fight them not join them
  3. it was i didnt notice
  4. i have outcast and i beat it i like a day
  5. vrook? he went down with one hit
  6. i just thought of somthing. the true sith empire that kriea talks about may be as skilled with there lightsabers as hord
  7. i was wondering are twi-leks reptiles of somthing?
  8. well leia only remembers images of her mother thats it she never said anything else plus with her being strong in the force leia was close to her mither on a spritual front
  9. i think that they sould inclued more "hands on" vechical things like ships and, yes even tanks
  10. thrawn is stupid
  11. you know what kinda always pissed me off.? atris and nihilus were sapost to fight and they were never even on the same planet together
  12. i argee with you 100% that would kick ass
  13. some off them are pretty bad
  14. he got out, he killed the sarlac useing his missles and as a result his armour was kinda destoyed but he lives on with new armour
  15. i like jedi acadimy better
  16. i loved jolee with his kinda "angry old guy tell kids to get of his lawn with a cain in his hand " persona
  17. i only ever died i both games once because of......problems
  18. it was the fear that war, like exar and ulic, would bring out the worst in there padawans
  19. they were i just hated the fight pit. now that i think of it the sith you fight on taris was pretty hard the first time
  20. they need more side missions on each world there are not alot in kotar 2
  21. i hated the taris fight pit
  22. well how many worlds sould they have?
  23. hes easy if your lightside you just need saber throw
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