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Everything posted by Darth_Zonos

  1. i know alot of people ( god know how) who lost to him on there first few trys.
  2. mandalor is still pretty strong ( as long as you keeped his weapony and skills up) and nihilus doesnt do much blaster deflection because of you and visas
  3. yes im aware i spelled it wrong i just got up damn it and i can barly even read what im typing in
  4. nihilus was only an easy boss because of two reasons 1) hes not the end boss 2) you fight him with your party
  5. F.Y.I:the tower is the brige and the domes and shield generators
  6. i find blue pops up alot
  7. so in a nut shell hes a fake sith lord
  8. well a balence RPG would need to incorperate things like random battles i mean the cut of for levels in KOTAR and KOTAR 2 is 30 and thats just plain stupid you sould be able to go to 100
  9. no you can't kill carth cause he runs like a bi%
  10. the story line for Kotor 3 will be interesting to see because for all the possible ending so they can't inclued alot of people like atris because there a chance the exile killed her or all the other people you could have killed
  11. thats a good theory but i still think he merly wielded the darkside for more power to fight the sith
  12. they can't show him because theres a chance hes dead
  13. thats your opinion
  14. well the true sith empire lives far in unvharted sapce so if you face them this is a chance to make up new planets and such
  15. they would just take it
  16. well it wasnt really blow up, more like bashed to a plup
  17. i hate the way it looks pink in the sun light.
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