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Everything posted by Darth_Zonos

  1. i find that as a primary weopon a big ass gun gets the job done faster that a viro-blade/sword
  2. well the cystals are almost the same as are many other colors so an cyan one could just be a blue one left out in the sun
  3. hanharrs story was ok but made as much sense as a member of the KKK marrying martin luther king
  4. wrong, palpatine says it was been for a thousand year in episode 2, so i was forged about the time of darth plaugeis's death. that banch of the sith stared 1000 prior to plaugeis and it was around then. so it will fall about 2500 years
  5. what about jango, sure mace cut his head off but he killed a jeid or two before that happend
  6. i agree on all fronts but i think that the repulic will fall
  7. still its to hard they sould have people or monsters just jump out at you at random
  8. the only reason i put up with her is because she can turn into a jedi
  9. i argee that thet sould give out there emoutinos but not the pu%$* ones like carth does
  10. Carth sould be hung by his balls from a spikey tree
  11. those guys were great they sould have them in KOTOR 3, i loved killing them then more come back.
  12. its impossible as far as im concerned because once an enemys dead they are never repalced. but in the first one on tatooine they do come back but there are only 4 and you don't get much XP
  13. its really hard to get to 30 in the first place you gotta do so F%^%ing much.
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