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Everything posted by Darth_Zonos

  1. next week? try next year
  2. ewoks are cool and all but lego ewoks doing there ewok things is stupid
  3. long hair looks hot tho
  4. Malak would owned so bad, vader would beat the tar outta him beat it back in then beat it out again
  5. one such conflict was the one that helped spawn the sith
  6. hey what ever flowts yoyur boat bud
  7. i don't really see the pint tho i mean most people be guys in it anyways
  8. ah ic. my saber was already upgraded to the max when i faced him
  9. but makeing the game harder also takes some fun outta it
  10. vrook was easy. i don't know why people say they had trouble with him
  11. one try was all i toke. now don't get me wrong some are ok but most take away most of the fun.
  12. ive use mods once in KOTAR at my friends house, but i use them all the time in Halo 2.
  13. mods take the fun outta playin ( in most cases)
  14. its also the only way to get full levels, on a count of all the killing
  15. but seriouly sould have long hair tho
  16. your half right. the Sith teachings also incourage greed and thinking inwards. by helping others you don't alway get stronger and most of the time show a waekness which is against what the sith beleave. The jedi however and messengers of the force and peace and help other selflessly and work together to gain a high unserstanding ( i would have liked to say power insted) of the force.
  17. the sith teachings change tho
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