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Everything posted by Darth_Zonos

  1. sith try to be perfect even more so than jedi.
  2. HK-47 has the greatest personality.....or droidinaliy since hes not a person
  3. but im turn the emotions the jedi abandon help them find peace and with this peace comes strenth in the force
  4. i just do what ever i feel like. if i feel like killing sombody i will. if i feel like helping i will. i just go with the flow :cool:
  5. Your statments are pretty good and well thought out but there are somthings that you left out. 1. Unlike the sith the jedi don't seek total domiantion of the force I.E: they seek the froce to by balenced not bathed in light as a reversal to the sith wishes 2. The path of darkness is a fast one but look at dooku, he was a great jedi and as a sith he was able to take on anikan and obi-wan at the same time and hold his own against yoda. but the moment that anikan even used a bit of rage he was killed. why is this? simple because the sith teaching can only take you so far. anikan was a strong jedi when he fight fought dooku even then he started to tap into his rage. but after 3 more years as a jedi then tapping his rage again he creamed him.meaning the jedi teachings can give you more wile the sith stops at a point, quickly i mite add 3.think back to episode 1 when obi-wan felt some anger then calmed himself, only then was he able to think clearly enough to use qui-gons saber, maul never saw it coming because he was blinded by darkness and finaly 4. force ghosts. when ever a sith becomes a force ghost they are weak and they can't leave phyical plane, they can ever be destoyed. wile the jedi way may take longer and his harder it is way more efefctive and gives a better result
  6. red lightsabers look the coolest
  7. darkside. but the light is still temepting to join.
  8. sidious is way cooler than traya
  9. plus it was vaders purpose to kill destroy the sith and hes the jesus of the Star Wars universe so hes super charged
  10. ehehehehe.....bunny
  11. the jedi arent ruled by there power. force power is like oil, is you go to the hole to much like the dark jedi do then your gonna run dry quick then your power almost stops growing at all. but if you go slow like the jedi it lasts longer and in turn you power grows at a constant rate
  12. i think you sould be able to combine armor and robes togther
  13. they sould be be mentioned and maybe MAYBE have a short cameo like they help fight the sith empire
  14. any body who is gray always kinda sways to one or the other. they are more or less people who deny them selfs there full potental
  15. gray leads to one thing, death there is no power in not picking a path
  16. it not wrong cookies are goo. and its not like your hurting anybody by joining the dark side, only millions of people across the universe......
  17. its sorta like in some games you always lose the first fight and that starts the story. but what if you somhow beat them instead, i, mean it couls happen.
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