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Everything posted by Boeroer

  1. There was a change. When I was playing this build I did of course try Minor Blights and there was no such thing as "baby HoF" going on.
  2. Oh man - I really loathe those necro bugs. They fix something - and when they introdoce some new features all the old bugs reemerge.
  3. As far as I know all those bonus healing modifiers that go like "+x% healing received" from item and camping bonus all add up and then get multiplied by the healing you would receive. Like: 100 healing * 1.x MIG bonus * (1+0.x+0.y) "healing received" bonuses. I don't think the later multiply with each other. I didn't test that excessively with spreadsheets and so on. But if you have very high MIG the numbers indicate that it works that way (with normal MIG it wouldn't make much of a difference). There's also an item that does "+15% healing done" - forgot what it was. How that fits in I don't know. I guess it will get added to MIG bonus. Could be a nice addition to very high MIG. Imagine 30 MIG and this item an a 65% healing done bonus: 100% * (1+0.3+0.15) * 1.65 = 240% healing. So - if anyone feeld the urge to test this thoroughly: go ahead and do it!
  4. Ah, ok - great. Thanks for testing. I guess they changed something about the duplicates. Because I remember that the monk's duplicates profited from Weapon Focus Unarmed and Two Weapon Style. But maybe I don't remember correctly.
  5. The healing bonus from items like Fulvano's Amulet or Belt of Bountiful Healing or Maneha's Armor always gets multiplied after MIG bonus is calculated. So with a lot of Survival plus one of those items you can achieve such a high amount on bonus healing that - if you wear Shod-in-Fait and have high MIG - you're nearly unkillable as long as COnsecrated Ground is up. Tested it in the midst of Nalrend's bounty while doing nothing else than eating crits. Didn't go down - even from multiple Insect Plagues. But as soon as CG stopped, I was dead in seconds.
  6. Another thing: Turning Wheel works with retaliation now, especially well with Battle Forged retaliation. It also works with every spell that is considered melee (Jolting Touch for example). A hit from Battle-Forged + 10 Wounds from Turning Wheel + Scion of Flame with Savage Attach and high MIG easily surpasses 100 burn damage. Scroll of Protection and Break Out enchantment stack. If you wear Blaidh Golan or the helm from Sanguine Plate and cast a Scroll of Protection you will only get stunned or prone for a blink of an eye. However: Clarity of Agony and Scroll of Protection DON'T stack.
  7. It only stacks because one is a weapon. Weapon enchantments always stack. It's the same with the Solace medium shield and Blaidh Golan (=+100 defenses when prone or stunned).
  8. Do you know for certain that it doesn't work anymore with DoT (and periodically applied damage)? You can't see it in the combat log. You have to watch the (small) red numbers that pop out of the enemies' heads every tick. Most of the time they get covered by other numbers from the DoT/pulse itself. When I had a party with Batsh!t Crazy, Mad Hornet and Zeblastian Hurtstacker I had a lot of DoT/pulses (like Wounding, Deep Wounds, Wall of Flames and so on) and they worked great with CW. I think that was 2.03. There are also reports how people killed the adra and alpine dragon with CW and Wall of Flame. So it should have worked at some time.
  9. Ok, so Spirit of Decay boosts your damage in multiple ways: it raises your weapon damage by 20% - this also causes the lashes to do more damage - which then also get boosted by Spirit of Decay/Scion of Flame. Maybe this explains the high numbers when you use FoD with dual Bittercuts + Scion of Flame + Spirit of Decay...?
  10. I would put 10 points minimum into survival nowadays. And I would like to test Vent Pick on this priest - and that club, "St. Wygelt's Cudgel". Maybe I would try to duplicate Vent Pick with the Helwax Mold - or Bleak Fang. Touch of Rot is a nice Spell. Other than that - it's a priest. You can't go wrong with a priest. Especially Crowns for the Faitful + cipher seems to be a great combo. Painful Interdiction + Secret Horrors is also a great debuff combination for the beginning of a fight. That will lower fort. and will a lot. You could try to use Boots of Speed on the priest (or the cipher) and cast "Hand of Wael on Woe" an the cipher while the cipher casts Ectopsychic Echo on the priest. Nice double-beam that does tons of damage and healing. Yeah - at some point you will find that you do way more casting than melee. You will have plenty of spells at some point - aome of them per encounter. But I think it's ok if this guy transforms from melee + casting to pure caster during a playthrough.
  11. Battle Forged sclaes with level and gets pretty awesome at high levels. But something different: I just discovered that said monk's Turning Wheel works with Battle Forged. With Scion of Flame I did 100+ hits easily against some blights a minute ago. It did not work with Lighning Strikes or Blood Testament Gloves - for whatever reason. Only Turning Wheel. But that's powerful enough I guess. bigwillystyle: That's the reason I said you should stack as much CON as possible. Now, at lvl 16, my monk has 500 endurance. That's 250 at 50%. Thisis more than some characters have when they are full. And with the Mantle of the Dying Boar you can keep your endurance around 30% if you also have Second Wind. It also makes senso to take Acolyte's Radiance as a heal - but not full heal. As I said I begin with a two hander in order to get beaten up and then switch to weapon + shield in order to stay at under 50%. Works pretty well so far. Of course I go down more often than the usual frontliner. But the burn damage is really good. Iron Wheel is also great for this setup: You get more and mor DR the more often you get hit. The Iron Circle also helps when your endurance drops below 26% (= *1.15 DR). All in all it's fun. I think you can tranfer this to a barb - without the Turning Wheel Part of course.
  12. I don't know. Made a 28 CON (without resting and MC talents) fire godlike monk the other day (dwarf with max CON + dual Whispers of Yenwood (+4), +4 Iron Circle - also +15% DR if endurance below 26%) and combined it with the Mantle of the Dying Boar (only regenerates if your endurance is unter 33%) with light armor and low RES. He could reach 50% after some time and stay there for long. Was a good (=fun) build. Maybe I'll post that later here. Still working on it.
  13. Yeah. But as it is now dual Bittercuts (+ Spirit of Decay) are wasted on a melee ranger. Rogues, Monks & Fighters on the other hand... When they fix Girdle of the Driving Wave you could at least have one Full Attack per encounter as a ranger.
  14. Oh, nice. Thanks. I always returned the stuff to him. Never thought about that solution. Too bad - I had an evil party not long ago and didn't try that.
  15. I think all passives work - but not the modal ones I guess. So Dangerous Implement may not work beause you would have to trigger it somehow and there's no button for that when you select your duplicate. At least I never saw a duplicate lose endurance while shooting. May also be the case for Penetrating Shot. But that's all easy to verify via combat log I think. What corrode damage talents do you mean? Spirit of Decay? Because of the Necrotic Lance from the high level duplicate? Don't know it that's worth it. Since those duplicates do pure shock damage with their wands maybe Heart of the Storm would be great. Too bad there's only one decent ranged shock spell in the wizard's arsenal. What also works (and is really great) are boots of speed. And rings with Spell Bindings (Ring of Searing Flames, Arcane Dampener, Ring of Unshackling) also still work. Combusting Wounds with two fast hitting blaster wizards (one original, one duplicate) ist still good. And the duplicate will always have a fully reloaded ring if you summon it. The monks also profit from boots of speed and Long Stride. So I guess they also get the other passive abilities/talents. But I don't know for sure how it all works in 3.02 to be honest. I'm afraid you will have to test it and report.
  16. Binding Web + Immunity to stuck is a great combination. I can tell because I used a monk with Stag Helmet to drag an Ectophsychic Echo beam through an area of Pull of Eora + Binding Web - using Flagellant's Path. And since you are a druid - und if you have a wizard in your team: try the combination of Fire Stag + Pull of Eora + Binding Web + Embrace the Earth Talon.
  17. Really? Didn't know that. That's really good to know. What's that Stalwart quest? Is it new WMII stuff? If there was only a way to get two pairs of sandals (other than the Helwax Mold).
  18. But he wants to retaliate (with Battle Forged). This he can only do when his endurance drops below 50%. So I would strongly recommend a lot of CON in order to gain a lot of endurance and - maybe even more important - health. After he hits 50% endurance I would switch to the play style you mentioned. Before that I would use a two hander (maybe Firebrand - also works with Scion of Flame).
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