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Boeroer last won the day on March 5

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    Berlin, Germany
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    family life, basketball, weight lifting, programming, gaming, making, gardening, reading, zoology


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  1. Hey Boeroer,

    Hoping you can help me out.  I am trying to return to POE2 to complete the DLC but it has been quite a while since I have played.  In April you briefly describe two builds that I was hoping I could get more information on such as recommend attributes (non min max | POTD Difficulty).  Those were the Furyshaper/Beguiler and the Soulblade/Trickster ( I know to max Resolve but what were the other priorities?).  Can you help me with a little more info in regards to attributes or require skills.  I apologize if this was placed elsewhere but I do appreciate any help you can provide.

    I hope you have a great New Years!


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    2. Krowseph


      Thank you very much.  I don't know where you find the time to help all of us, but I really do appreciate your insight and knowledge.  Two questions...

      1) Assuming you take Draining Bite on Beguiler/Furyshaper since you arent around for damage?

      2) Like you, I am very thematic oriented / RP style of player while keeping difficulties high.  I plan on starting with the MC in the first POE...same stats and keeping the general flavor the same with eventually move them into POEII as the furyshaper/beguiler.  The only thing that I can think of is using your firebrand cipher build or would that hurt too much by having the low might of the furyshapre/beguiler? (I would like to keep the stats the same between games)

    3. Boeroer


      Hm... what could a Furyshaper/Beguiler look like in PoE?

      Base I guess:
      a) Barbarian with Enigma's Charm/Spirit Spiral/Munacra Arret/Ring of Changing Heart or
      b) Cipher with Outlander's Fury/Sanguine Plate

      As weapon I would choose Morning Star - just because in Deadfire I would also go with that (Willbreaker). First you can buy Crate's Remorse early from Vincent Dwellier in the Salty Mast (it's just an exceptional morning star but still good that early) and later fetch the Rose of Salthollow from Cliaban Rilag. It's a good weapon for a Barb because of the draining (which works with Carnage).

      So I guess I would pick the Barbarian and use Enigma's Charm etc.
      What would be really nice later in the game is to get the Executioner's Hood: it stacks with Threatening Presence (I hope) which would give you like two offensive auras: the first sickens enemies and the second one frightens which are cool passive debuffs to have which fit the theme (watch out for enemy ciphers with Psychic Backlash though!). Barbaric Yell/Shout would also be nice. 

    4. Krowseph


      I'm thinking I would definitely want to start with Cipher in POE.  So it seems like my MC may be a little underpowered in the first game, essentially being a Cipher two hand user with lower might / damage and more just used for gaining focus and slinging spells at close range?

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