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Everything posted by Gary1986

  1. I believe its 20 seconds (for figurines its 20 seconds, so im guessing it'll be the same for chanter summons)
  2. Does Vigorous Defence not stack with Defender+Wary Defender? Does Vigorous Defence stack with Cautious Attack?
  3. Oh good, now there are even fewer reasons to play a full tank fighter. :/ because fighters and paladins needed moar pigeonholing amirite Sigh. This is a change I hope they revert before the patch goes live... it also hurts offtanks, makes fighters more susceptible to CC and kills build diversity ( seriously, unless a fighter off-tank whips out a shield he's going to be more or less as durable as a barbarian with Defender up now... ). Also, while talented defender used to be pretty good pre 2.0, it also involved a pretty hefty investment in term of resources ( class ability + talent ).I'd rather they nerfed shields instead, if they feel deflection tanks were too good ( and maybe reduce the accuracy penalty to compensate somewhat ). They already changed Perception from +deflection to +accuracy. This means minus 8+ deflection for most tank-builds and better accuracy for some enemies. Well, the defender/wary defender nerf is another net -20 deflection right off the bat ( now defender reduces your deflection, so i's +15 to -5 ). Harsh, probably unnecessary and frankly, IMO, the kind of nerf that, to me, feels out of place in a single player game ( I'm all for balance, but I'd rather see the devs focus on bringing the subpar options up to par rather than knee-jerk and double-nerf stuff to the ground ). YMMV, obviously. Can we get an official response on if this nerf will be in the final patch? As you can see its an unnecessary nerf that we don't want. Quick question also. Does Guardian Stance give +10 deflection to the user + allies or just allies?
  4. Cheers for the info BAdler. Two quick questions. Can we get a little spoiler on how many Soulbound weapons will be in the expansion? Also is it true that there are new portraits in the expansion? If so, how many male portraits and how many female portraits are there?
  5. Hey BAdler quick question. Now that we have a release date (25th August) when will we see the expansion on sale on steam?
  6. Is Rapid Recovery worth the +1 endurance per tick? It doesnt seem like it is. My suggestion is why not make it +2 endurance per tick?
  7. If you had it so it was class specific it'd force people to have a wizard in their party.
  8. Even though the 2.0 beta patch has just been released i have came across what could be a dilemma for some people. When setting up your wizard on auto you have the options to be defensive etc, but you also have the option to Damage (which means the wizard will use offensive spells) and Crowd Control ( which means it will use spells that blind etc). What i'd like to see would be a third option that does a mix of both.
  9. Did the pet changes make it to the beta patch BAdler?
  10. When you are choosing a voice for your Character some of the voice options appear as ''missing gui 2222''. The voices still work though, i just thought id mention it.
  11. Speaking of, it is going to be missing tons of changes. Our code base was recombined after our last patch so it is very difficult to pull out fixes from it. Most of the larger fixes are listed, but many of the smaller changes/fixes were not included. We will release the change log when the beta update is released, but we will be updating it before it goes live. Will we be seeing the perception changes? Or the Con buff? Or the companion buffs? Pretty hyped for this beta patch
  12. What is becoming a running theme, there was a critical bug introduced from yesterday's build. The long and short is that you can't add spells to your grimoire. It has been fixed, but it will require a rebuild. It is almost certain that we won't have a build ready for testing before QA would have to leave for the day. Looking like tomorrow, folks. We will fire off the build tonight anyways as a backup in case there is a problem tomorrow morning during the build process. Thanks for the patience. No problems. Around what time do you think you'll have it up by tomorrow? I got some free time tomorrow (but i live in a different time zone) so I'm gonna try plan on getting a few hours playing.
  13. But wouldnt that money be recouped by people buying the game due to multiplayer? So basically it would pay for itself. The only factor implementing multiplayer would take up would be time. It'd take time away from improving single player by implementing multiplayer.
  14. Not well. It is a tricky thing trying to pull apart the base game files from the expansion right now. We are trying to prevent story elements from leaking out before the expansion's release so we are Frankensteining a build together. There are a few things that came back from testing that need to be removed (or strings that need to be added), so unfortunately it won't be up until tomorrow at the latest. I will give you guys an update tomorrow whether we are going to push it live or not. Sorry, guys. No problems dude. Take your time.
  15. So BAdler hows the beta build coming along? Is it on track to be released today still?
  16. Any news on when we will get the 2.0 beta? Also do beta saves work when the actual update arrives?
  17. Wouldn't immunities make some races more powerful? Like you'd have to make all fire godlike immune to fire. Or a death godlike immune to death ha
  18. Can saved games using beta patches be used when the real update arrives?
  19. So before i pick Eder up it would be wise to tick enable on the auto level option so that i get the free ruffian talent?
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