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Everything posted by Gary1986

  1. Cheers for all the info. Is she any different from a normal rogue? Like does she have more DR/Deflection?
  2. Just wondering what weapons everybody uses. This is my set up Main: Rapier & Dagger Aloth: Scepter & Rod Eder: Sabre and Large Shield Durance: Quarterstaff (He has a quarterstaff in his picture, so for rp purposes i equip him with one) Kana: Battle Axe and Small shield Sagani: Hunting Bow (soulbound weapon) Pallegina: Greatsword (soulbound weapon) Hiravias: Arbalest Grieving Mother: Blunderbusse Havent tried the expansion yet but i figured Ill go with Devil of Caroc: Pistol Zahua: Quarterstaff (soulbound weapon) With this set up i dont get to use the soulbound weapon Nightshroud. If they made Nightshroud bind with Chanter (its the only soulbound weapon that binds with 2 classes, so hopefully they plan to add another class soon) it'd be perfect.
  3. They should of made it soulbound to priest considering Durance has a thing for staffs.
  4. Dude, I don't know what release you're playing, but in the 2.0 I'm playing defender definitely lowers your deflection by 5 points, check again. Also, veteran recovery is rounded up to 2 with just a bit of might, and has no duration, while now constant recovery, which heals for 3 with might <= 19 (IIRC) only lasts 90 seconds now, so it's basically a weaker and less versatile form of lay on hands. That's a huge blow to the fighter's survability, and, really, they don't have that much going for them aside from survability. In my game it definitely gives deflection +5 not -5. Maybe they fixed it since you last checked? definitely happy it still gives some def. bonus, makes fighters somewhat useful defensively. Is that a new game you are playing in?
  5. I can't seem to fathom how they got the defender change so wrong.
  6. Anybody want to post? Very interested to know considering I'm not able to play till the end of the week
  7. I wont get to play for about a week so I figured id create a thread so everybody could post the new armor and weapons they come across.
  8. Very impressed. Whats her base deflection? Also what DR does her armor give? What's her starting stats?
  9. People will just take cautious attack and hold the line and suffer no real penalty. +10 deflection plus engagement. Plus you'll save yourself a free ability slot.
  10. Thanks for the response. Maybe accuracy as the drawback will be better. I say this because having a -5 deflection on a defensive ability doesnt seem to make sense.
  11. When the expansion comes out tomorrow somebody keep me updated on if they changed defender
  12. What would be a reasonable engagement limit to have on a tank?
  13. Once you find out her starting def/DR and if she can equip accessories let me know. I may not be able to play the expansion for a good week after release
  14. Can she equip belts/necklaces/gauntlets/rings/capes? Also how do you upgrade her body?
  15. BAdler are there new weapons and armour in the same apart from soulbound weapons?
  16. Figured I'd bump my old thread since the expansion is about to come out. Once the expansion does come out, somebody do me a favour and post Devil Of Caroc's starting deflection & DR, interested to see if shes different than normal rogues. Also let me know what you can and cannot equip on her.
  17. Can you use Reckless Assault, Savage Attack and Vulnerable Attack all at the same time?
  18. Ive been interested to see how this was received by players. I greatly dislike random loot so I was wondering what people do to combat this. Do you save before every container and then open them, reloading and camping until the timer reaches the item you want? Hate random loot. I use a spreadsheet some dude created on this forum that tells you what item you can get on what day.
  19. Well 6 days to go. Lets hope this thread has been seen and they have made a change.
  20. Ive never really liked the whole aspect of weapons targeting only certain races. I never enchant my weapons with any of the 'Slaying (Beast)' etc type enchants. So the fact soulbound weapons will have them automatically on them is kinda off putting. What would happen if you decided to swap a soulbound weapon from paladin to fighter in like the middle of chapter 3, yet there were no more enemies of a certain type left in the game, which would result in you not being able to upgrade the soulbound weapon? -Edited due to original post sounding to gloomy-
  21. They are somewhat usable, but there downfall is you wouldnt miss them if they wasnt there.
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