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Everything posted by Fardragon

  1. We know that in the optional tutorial at the begining of TSL you control T3 makeing repears to the Ebon Hawk. We now know that HK is also aboard, so he is probably your tutor, explaining to newbees how to manage the controls. We also know that droids started attacking the miners on Peragus soon after the Ebon Hawk was taken on board. Could this be something to do with the arrival of HK?
  2. How about: Revan hears that an artifact of great power has been uncovered on Korriban. LS s/he heads off to destroy it (but is captured or killed). DS It is in the possession of a new Sith Lord who uses it to destroy the Star Forge. Revan heads off to recover or destroy it. Maybe the secret of controlling the McGuffin is hidden in the tomb of Freedon Nadd on Duxn and the PC has been sent to look for it. More significantly, does the fact that Revan disappered on Korriban mean that Korriban is in TSL?
  3. Your rudness is uncalled for. He was simply pointing out that your example was poor plotting, not a bug. You do not need to be a developer to know the definition of a bug.
  4. I'm sure it was in KotOR. I think Carth said it, but I can't remember when. Anyone?
  5. No No not this again. :ph34r: Help me I'm melting!
  6. HK-47: "Good morning Dave. Would you like a game of chess?" Vandar: "Once the avalanche has started it is to late for the pebbles to vote."
  7. But it has to work on X-box. :angry:
  8. My guess (and I'm very smart ) is that when you complete the quest and get your PrC you will take a big hit of LS (Jedi) or DS (Sith) points. However you can still cross over to the other side and fall/be redemed. Some class powers may become less effective or be disabled if you are on the "wrong" side of the Force. For example we know the Sith Marauder gets the Fury power. If this works like other dark side powers then it will cost a LS Marauder more force points to use.
  9. Well, does the current Mira model have an attractive face or does she look like a goldfish with botox?
  10. The person who asks you questions about the first game is Atton Rand not Kriea. How does the PC know what happened? Revan (or one of Revan's companions) told him/her. Why do I think that? At the start the PC is aboard the Ebon Hawk with T3. Hence the PC has most likely just come from Revan.
  11. I doubt the jedi are as far away as the rim. I would guess they are aboard ships in space like the rebel alliance at the end of ESB. I would imagine a major mission in TSL will be to locate them, either to rejoin or to try and finish them off. The PC would have to locate the jedi about half way through the game, so they could pick up a jedi PrC and an apprentice. They wouldn't officially return until the climax though. TSL would probably be called Return of the Jedi if it hadn't already been taken.
  12. I noticed the dragon-like creature in the background of the video. I think it is one one the mounts used by the Beast Riders of Onderon.
  13. I wondered if there would be longer Force power trees myself. After all the cost of most current powers is negligable at high level. I noticed that if you used the Jedi Force powers AI setting it would sometimes select 1st and 2nd tier powers when you had the 3rd tear and you couldn't select those powers manualy.
  14. There are only 2 jedi base classes in D20. Consular and Guardian. Sentinal was invented for KotOR. There is also the Force Adept base class in D20 for non jedi force users. There are however lots of prestiege classes.
  15. Naga Sadow's hat is a bit naff and your other links don't work.
  16. First Choice: Candourous Second Choice: Revan People in masks tend to have something to hide.
  17. There was a strong hint that fighting will occur aboard the Ebon Hawk, which will be one way of "using the space".
  18. I agree. Starting without armour proficencies it probably makes more sense to count on dex than on armour for defence. Lightsabers do so much damage anyway that Str damage bonus isn't all that important. However as this is an Obsidian and not a Bioware game I expect Int, Wis and Cha to be more important this time round.
  19. Where there any Instakill Turrets? I don't recall ever having any problems with turrets.
  20. My questions: Are any changes being made to the base classes form kotOR (eg Sentinal)? Which classes have Repair as a class skill?
  21. I can answer some of your questions as well. There is no Ebon Hawk piloting mini-game, but the other mini-games have all been improved. There are more faces to choose from, and there may be some choice of clothes and hight. You will not be able to play as a non-force user this time. non-force NPCs each have a unique special ability this time (like Candrous' regeneration). There are no new skills but there will be more use made of the old ones, including more workbench options. For example lightsabers now have 6 upgrade slots. There won't be a rest option.
  22. We discussed all these things weeks ago. The search function is your friend.
  23. You could do this in Jedi Acadamy. They sort of went out in opisite directions, circled your body and returned. It wasn't very effective as I remember, but it looked cool.
  24. Maybe it was rebuilt by nanites and the got the scale wrong (see Red Dwarf).
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