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Everything posted by Fardragon

  1. When the PC finds Kriea in the morgue Sion has not yet arrived on Peragus, so at the time it wouldn't matter whether she could mask her presence from him or not. P.S. It was Kriea who tried to poison the PC. I sense it in the Force.
  2. Akari said the zabrek had the pet. He also said the floating droid in the 3rd screenshot was not a pet, but a peragus repair droid that would regenerate hostile droids. However the first 2 screenshots may show the pet. On the other hand the pet might be the Zabrek's detachable left hand.
  3. We're huntin' wabbit! There is lots off info leaking out at the moment. Other Character and Planetary info might be too spoilerish to release before the game.
  4. I like it. It resembles the SW movie posters so people will identify it with SW. It resembles the first game, so people can easily tell it is the sequal, but it is not so similar that people will be confused. A poor cover design can hurt sales, like a close up of an unrecognisable ugly blue face. I wonder if it has any hidden details/clues like the hidden Star Forge on the KotOR cover? I assume the burning planet has some meaning beyond decorative. The shadowy third Sith Lord Atris is fighting could be the PC.
  5. The Zabrek we have known about for a couple of weeks. He is male and Lightside (initially).
  6. I wonder what planet the refugee skyhook is above? Coruscant has skyhooks, but I had just convinced myself that Coruscant would not be in. And could it be a refugee jedi skyhook?
  7. Maybe it's Mira, having got fed up of being called duckface, decided to don a helmet from now on. On a similar topic the latest Atton model is visible in one shot. What do people think?
  8. Armour guy ain't so silver now! The design looks quite Mandalorian (ToJ) now. He looks smaller though and less Candrous like in build. Notice the Zabrek guy's Remote droid pet in some of the shots?
  9. I think Sentinal gets the most of both. However it might be better to raise Int to 14 to get an extra SP per level (+4 as 1st). However that would depend on wether the skills you want to try are class skills. I will try and remember what they where for KotOR, but my memory may be faulty and some may change anyway. Awereness all Demolitions none Computer C Repair none Treat Injury C, G Pursuade all Security none Stealth S
  10. Harrun Kal is not in. HARbringer is a ship (XBN thread).
  11. I don't think HK is due to be killed off. More likely it will be him doing the killing. You may have to trash him in the boss battle to escape Peragus, but droids can be rebuilt (C-3PO in ESB).
  12. Sentinals always did have more skill points, but in KotOR skills where next to useless, and if you wanted them anyway you could start out as a scout or scoundrel.
  13. Telos perhaps. It is supposed to be devided into several different environments by force fields.
  14. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> There could be more story material on the unknown world (maybe we should call it Rakatia?), but Akari seemed to think that all the worlds had already been mentioned in this thread and I think you are the first to mention this one.
  15. So, then let us cross out two of them and it would have to be right... <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Akari has just said that we revisit a couple of planets from the first game. We know about Dantooine so I guess Korriban is the other. I'm dubious about Haruun Kal, as I think that two jungle worlds would be too similar. HAR may refer to an off world location e.g. HARbour, or dificulty setting (HARd) I think the evidence is stronger for Nar Shadda than Coruscant, and I doubt there will be two city worlds for the same reason as I doubt there will be two jungle worlds. My final (for now) seven: Peragus Telos Dantoone Duxn Onderon Korriban Nar Shadda
  16. She is a Kraith grunt (Onderon Sith type). She is with the masked guys.
  17. I said that last week. Sometimes I'm so smart I even amaze myself.
  18. My theory is the PC did something bad during the Mandalorian wars and later was captured by/surrendered to the jedi council (on Dantooine) who blocked his connection to the force and confenscated his lightsabre. Kreia was the PCs master and one of the jedi who blocked the connection. At the start of the game the PC enconters Kreia hiding on Pergerus who unblocks his connection because the situation is so bad. Soon after Kreia is terminated by HK-47.
  19. Eek! I take it this gives the option of either fighting the enemies and hoping to kill them right away, or use your computer skill to destroy the droids? *has Star Forge before the Malak encounter flashbacks* <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Blast 'em
  20. Have we had these: KotOR: Sith Contact KotOR: The Fellowship of the Sith KotOR: Return to the Forbidden (Sith) Planet KotOR: The Planet of the Sith KotOR: Return to the Planet of the Sith KotOR: Escape from the Planet of the Sith KotOR: Beneath the Planet of the Sith KotOR: Battle for the Planet of the Sith KotOR: The rubbish Tim Burton remake KotOR: An Old Hope KotOR: Sky Revan and the world of tomorrow KotOR: Revan vs Sion KotOR: Revan's Dead: The Final Nightmare KotOR: Freddy vs Sion KotOR: Godzilla vs Revan KotOR: The Sith Temple of Elemental Evil KotOR: The Magnificent Seven Jedi KotOR: The Cronicles of Revan KotOR: Darth Revan: Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Sith KotOR: Revan and Bastilla's home video
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