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Everything posted by Fardragon

  1. Shortly after KotOR a new tomb is discovered on Korriban, the Sith Lord Nillis. Revan investigates and discovers the skull mask of Nillis. Donning the mask, Revan is possessed by the spirit of Nillis and a new sith lord emerges. In order to complete his resurection Darth Nillis needs only one thing: The McGuffin of Freedon Nadd. However the McGuffin is also the only thing that can destroy Nillis and free Revan. The tomb was discovered by a former jedi follower of Revan who was disgraced for torturing a captured Sith during the Mandalorian war and stripped of thier connection to the Force. The ex-jedi, still loyal to Revan, borrows Revan's ship and droids and sets out to find the McGuffin of Freedon Nadd. Unknown to the ex-jedi HK-47 has been replaced by Revan's rivals with an imposter assassin HK-50. Meanwhile the Sith who was tortured by the ex-jedi has kept himself alive with the power of the dark side and his thirst for vengance. Now known as Darth Sion he has risen to lead a sect of Sith Assassins. He has entered into an alliance with the Dark Queen of Onderon who has redescovered the secrets of the Kraith and become a Dark Lord herself. She despatches a Kraith ship to destroy the Ebon Hawk and the ex-jedi, but the Kraith ship is defeated, only managing to disable the Ebon Hawk near Peragus. Peragus miners recover the Ebon Hawk, but HK-50's assassination protocols are activated and he reprograms the Peragus droids to eliminate all human life. The ex-jedi awakes in the Peragus med bay and encounters Kreia, his former mentor and the person responsible for cutting him off from the force. She has been drawn to that location by a Force vision, and restores the Force connection, teaching her pupil Force Sight and Force Clairvoyance. She suggests that her student should seek out the scattered jedi and recover thier lightsabre from the ruins of Dantooine. Our protagonist escapes from Peragus and now has the option of proceding to Onderon on the trail of the McGuffin, or to Dantooine in search of the jedi. However Darth Sion has captured the republic cruiser Harbringer and is hot on the protagonists tail. Ariving on Onderon the protagonist has a number of adventures getting to the moon Duxn where the tomb of Freedon Nadd is located. The various Sith factions are also trying to penetrate the tomb. The protagonist gets there first, but discovers it to be empty. The jedi have already removed the McGuffin for safe keeping. Now left with no choice, the protagonist tracks down the surviving jedi to Telos and Nar Shaddaa. Eventually discovering the secret of the McGuffin the protagonist leads the jedi in an assault on Korriban and Darth Nillis. In the tombs under Korriban the protagonist must confront Nillis/Revan and either destroy them both, free Revan, or destroy Revan and take the power of Nillis for themself.
  2. Drain doesn't heal poison or your companions.
  3. Hey you know what they could do? As it would be *KNOWN* (sorry couldn't resist ), to the devs who or what a potential spoiler woudl be e.g. 'Revan', they could simply use the word filter to filter it out. So say if Sion or whoever was pertinent to subsequent major plot devices/twists, whenever someone types something like: 'OMG. OMG....Sion is really your father!!'; It will look like: 'OMG, OMG...**** is really your father!!' Cool, no? B) <{POST_SNAPBACK}> that might actually work.i am sure some spoilers would get through,though. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> How about "You are really the dark lord of the Sith with amnesia" or "The sith zombie is your father".
  4. Clairvoyance is real. It has even been anounced how it will work. It functions automatically, showing a cut scene clue at scripted points in the game (i.e. similar to the dreams in KotOR). I'm guessing it will be a power learned from an NPC rather than chosen at level up. Rage and Fury are two seperate powers. Fury is an exclusive Sith Marauder power.
  5. I thought Heal was already much better than Drain. However we know it is being revised so that the amount of healing will depend on your Treat Injury skill.
  6. I think you mean vocal cords, not guts, unless they are talking out of thier a###. If we must have another wookie I would like to see a completly different wookie, such as a huge bezerker or female jedi consular.
  7. Yeah, it is speculation.... started by ME . Anyway she might be like Daredevil if anything, using the force. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> If you are controling her as a party member do you see a blank screen until you activate her force sight power?
  8. Lord Voldermort: "Dumbledore lied to you Harry. I am your farther."
  9. It is obviously a reference to Anakin Skywalker. He is a perfect being because of his birth, and because he perfectly fuses jedi and sith into one entity.
  10. I would rather not have Marka Ragnos, as he was done (badly) in Jedi Academy. Maybe his twin brother Songar Akram (or is he a cricketer)?
  11. yeah but this is like in relation to a picture where a dude is blocking lightning with his saber which implies new powers or possibly a lightsaber with lightning reflection qualities? <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I would think a lightsabre crystal wich gave the user lightning resistance would be very possible. However, even if you take a piece of consept art as being directly indicative of in-game content, it is not clear whether Atris is actually blocking the lightning with her sabre or just waving it around while Sion sparks off. I would think it more likely that the Jedi Master PrC will get a "reflect force" power, emulating yoda.
  12. I would imagine that a spoiler forum will appear when the xbox version is released. There are a lot of educated guesses and deductions on this forum which could be considered spoilers though. Certainly the planets where all correctly guessed here before they where officially confirmed, so many other guesses are probably correct as well.
  13. The LS power resist energy already does that doesn't it?
  14. But the idea of PC being Tainted by outside force and not by his/hers actions is stubid. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> But the other screen shot said something along the lines of "are you ready to enter the tomb?". Maybe the PC becomes tainted as a result of their choice to enter the tomb? It looked to me as if there was a chasm under the Sith Academy itself, the location of a previously unknown tomb perhaps? maybe that is what brought Revan to Korriban? Since the Ebon Hawk is parked outside does that mean the Czerka spaceport is gone?
  15. I like conspiricy stuff so I would like to see the Genoharadan play a large part in future games, perhaps as the main antagonists. This sort of organisation has many secret layers of leadership so it is unlikely that Hulas even knew who the real leaders where.
  16. English, but not northern: Tom Baker (4th Doctor) Stephen Fry
  17. What country are you in? I doubt you would know them unless you see British TV. You may be more familiar with Peter Sallis (Wallace of Wrong Trousers fame).
  18. James Bolem Kevin Wateley (sp?) Victoria Wood It's about time we heard some northern English accents in Star Wars.
  19. I've got an X-box. It's rubbish. I'd rather wait a couple more months and play TSL on my PC.
  20. Well astrophysics is facinating and exciting, but it can also be frustrating as it is difficult to get obsevations that are sufficiently accurate to support/refute your theories. There is a huge amount of speculation. You also need to be prepared to defend your disipline from the many who say it is a waste of money. The level of mathematics required is slightly less than for quantum/theoretical physics.
  21. if fett was still living,i doubt he would be easily persuaded to part with his gear,which was found throughout kotor. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I had assumed Cassus was an ex-Fett too. However he could just be a very comercially minded Bounty Hunter with a sideline in marketing spin-offs.
  22. I'm an Astrophysicist, although I know teach secondary Physics. You don't do it for the money, that sucks, you do it because it interests you. Around here if you want to make good money without working all that hard your best bet is to leave school at 16 and train as a plumber.
  23. It's the time of day. Give it 4-6 hours and we will all be back in bed.
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