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Everything posted by Xard

  1. ...and I made two rather friendly and conversationaly posts instead of going all lol. For nothing!
  2. Who said anything about masses? It's all about individuality and finding your own raison d'
  3. Hard choice, but I had to go for Aliens RPG
  4. ...what's that? Never heard of it The Doors - Light My Fire
  5. For what we need some Absolute Moral Truths set by some obscure greater being? Shouldn't we humans try define good and evil by ourselves, from our own lives and capabilities and things we have read and learned about? I think if we oppose evil because we've come to intellectual and emotional conclusion of its evilness by ourselves it is by far more pure and more real than some sort of God setting the answers before us. After all, if I became God and started to define all sorts of crazy **** as good or evil, would you just obey and follow the lead like a sheep? For example I could set something like this Sacrificing infants during moring is proper way to celebrate my greatness and inherently good. However, if you sacrifice infants by nightfall you shall be stoned to death for your inhuman, despicable act. And I was God here, these being definitive absolutes in Universe which I created. Why my creations couldn't come up with more purer, realer morals for themselves?
  6. I am existentialist. Now that has been said I don't have to go to lenghty explanations But cud you guys vaporize me sum atoms and show me good? or evil? thnxkbye
  7. Indeed. However, as this is next-gen project we shouldn't get the claustrophopic Kotor-era levels. Oh, and definetly more people. If get to be in Hong Kong/ Shanghai I don't want place to look like small village in Lapland when it comes to people
  8. Hey, don't you dare to diss sideplots of second season of Twin Peaks, hmph. They weren't as great as in first season but still most of them were good and some even great ... carry on
  9. The Rolling Stones - Paint it black What can I say. A classic
  10. Some very nice screenshots in scan
  11. I'm not sure about Atton = Okona connection writing wise, but Okona's outfit has propably been inspiration for concept art artist
  12. wow it's deja vu
  13. This sure this is best thread we've had in a long, long while
  14. No, why should I? whose alt is walkerguy btw?
  15. Family Guy is overrated
  16. walkerguy; in what kind of lala land do you live in? send them porn this isn't even question
  17. NO NO NO I haven't yet been able to write anything "serious" and this is my topic goddamnit :sad:
  18. And yet another master leaves us Rest in peace, I hope your belief of connections between consciousness and fractals weren't in vain and you're now happily humming in some fractaly afterlife RIP
  19. How anyone could take superagent that looks like his second house is local doughnut shop goes beyond me
  20. ...accept what, Jesus Christ as your saviour? Sure, that is fact if Christian Dogma is true. The conversation I've tried to initiate here doesn't make nod towards existence or unexistence of God. They're much more conceptual and general questions edit: nvm, you had your answers inside quote so I didn't realize you had answered
  21. Xard

    yo dude happy belated birthday

  22. says the guy who doesn't believe mankind has effect on climate change haw haw haw haw ...sorry, that was uncalled for. Carry on
  23. Your life. Rephrase. W-What are you saying? Now this is great time for my keyboard to act funny. It's dropping out letters ad words *sigh* Why do your existance as biological being require God? That second one should be what we need him for... With second question I meaned more like what it would mean if we humans would've made god up. For what spiritual/moral/social/etc. reason we need him for? And why we can't do fine without one? "W-What are you saying?" Exactly what I wrote. Why god must be personal or to be even more specific, Conscious Being?
  24. I'm not dissing his belief - I think world would be better off without religions but my reasons have nothing to do with science ec. I have my own, half scientifical, half spiritual reason for that question - I am honesty curious (I'd like to hear from you too, Hurl)
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