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Everything posted by Xard

  1. Strategy camera is great apart from the fact it changes the angle when you enter the new area. You should be able to lock the camera at will That shouldn't be too hard to implement
  2. Different being MotB dungeons actually are passable and some even relatively enjoyable Actually there's only two of them and other is rather good combatwise
  3. you CAN'T like orc caves You just can't. SRSLY (Arcanum and) NWN2 OC had some worst dungeons I've ever encountered. somewhat related silly rant: (as I'm been replaying PS:T I have to say it is stunning how even PST combat > NWN1 HOTU combat > MotB combat > Bloodlines combat > ToEE combat* > NWN2 OC combat > NWN1 OC & SOU combat > Kotor combat > Arcanum *pukes* combat) I mean, it is quite horrible. PS:T (which is in combat department easily weakest of IE games) when using second hardest and hardest combat settings is actually occasionally rather challenging (dozen of crazed xaositects attacking my party or angered green abishai grilling me) and even overall I certainly can't leave combat just on "auto". It is even fun most of the time, simply because I actually have to worry about my party members dying (of course that doesn't matter with TNO), concentrate attacks on certain enemies and position my characters with care. I simply cannot leave for coffee, I have to - zomg - participate. For example this is case in entire Modron cube where I've been farming exp lately. Not to forget IE did whole RTwP system best from games I've encountered. It is more "responsive" and less clunky than Aurora and other games using engines derived from it. That alone renders the combat more enjoyable And this is game where combat difficulty doesn't mean ****, simply because for the most of the game "losing" is impossible by the plot alone. I used to laugh at Roshan when he defended PS:T combat (because I compared it to other IE games), but if compared to most of the 2000 RPG combats it is actually passable and entertaining. So what I'm trying to say Alpha Protocol and SoZ must try hard to fail at combat compared to rest of modern RPG's. Excluding infinite ammo anything else seems to point at AP will have best RPG combat I've encountered, like, ever ( I don't care much for Wizardry and its ilk which presumably feature fantastic combat). At least it should be best since (and maybe even better) since IWD1. You can consider that last part as demand [/rant end here] Oh well, Obz has always underestimated lenght of their games IMO. And that 20 hours is propably only main campaign, not the sidequests etc. *ToEE has fantastic combat SYSTEM, but encounter design sucked. Shame nobody ever choosed to use the engine, it held a lot potential *hint hint* edit: some additions to rant
  4. It was really, really, really long, dude. Yeah TOO long considering the general quality of it OC had great moments and things in it (The Trial, Jerro's Haven, bard competition, the whole Keep thing, LotResque end battle sequences...) but most of it was....bleeergghh. Most of those 50 hours was spent roaming in horrible dungeons such as orc caves or warehouse *shudder* Compare that to MotB which was 20 to 25 hours game. Twas pure gold
  5. you don't want to be Star Wars author honestly
  6. and some of us are easily amused...
  7. King Crimson is second-best prog band after Pink Floyd

    You should get their Red-album, it is utterly brilliant

    Here is fantastic live version of title track


  8. no those are sentiments of your arse haw haw
  9. Yet again I reflect that viewing Fio as an actual dragon greatly enlivens his posts.
  10. there is already ****tons of RPG elements in AP
  11. Woah, looks like Sega's belief definetly has some basis
  12. John Lennon - Working Class Hero Keep you doped with religion and sex and TV And you think you're so clever and classless and free But you're still ****ing peasants as far as I can see
  13. Then you'd get all the whining about devs not balancing it properly and whole feature being badly designed Easier to just narrow your focus and not having to care about whiners
  14. Planescape Torment: just as fantastic as I remembered and even better Though corrupted spell effects suck
  15. King Crimson - Fallen Angel
  16. Ennio Morricone - The Good The Bad And The Ugly Main Theme Second greatest main theme of all time
  17. Truly you're bonkers
  18. What? No Hey Jude? I'm listening to PST soundtrack
  19. NWN2's style is cartoony BWAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAAAAAHAAAAAAAAAA! That's worse than my werewolf incident. I used the default Recommend on the companions as well. Here, let me serve you a nice cup of shut the ... lol double fail
  20. Too many cheesy ballad type of songs, otoh it may be just me liking many of the Beatles' Lennon-songs better than his solo work Also, no Working Class Hero for example, nor I'm losing you? KMFDM - Moron Cheesy ballads? I think there's only ballad - Woman - unless you want to count Mind Games and Watching the Wheels (which are definetly among my Lennon favourites, esp. Mind games) Most of Lennon rockers aren't that special because he really turned lazy after Plastic Ono Band and Imagine albums. They're such straightforward 50's churning rock (by conscious choice, blegh) that's not even very strong...urggh. Sometime In New York City is horrible crap. I'm losing you, well known Cold Turkey and similar fall under same category... it is pity, considering how great rockers he wrote in Beatles. But whatever, it was his choice Oh, and if you ment piano driven Mother, God and Imagine... **** YOU, they're his best three songs Crap, how could I forget Working Class Hero? Soo... I guess Crippled Inside'll kick the bucket. I too prefer his Beatles stuff overall, but I really like most of his solo stuff and tracks like Mother, Imagine, God and Mind Games can go against anything he released in Beatles tho'. If you look my Beatles Top Ten 7 of them are Lennon tracks... quite telling who I prefer overall Roger Waters - Perfect Sense
  21. Nice amounts of C&C? Did you play a special C&C edition? And I didn't say it wasn't an RPG, because technically it is, I said it completely fails as an RPG, though it does make an average cinematic shooter. Please, ME should be roleplayingwise Bio's best. Your point is moot untill you prove there isn't roleplaying in ME (rather than I or someone else must do the opposite) Funny, ME has both (and how the heck did I end up defending ME anyway?)
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