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Everything posted by Xard

  1. The best Beatles album by a landmile and in my Top Ten I love the 16 minute Medley at the end - esp. You Never Give Me Your Money, She Came Through Bathroom Window (too bad McCartney never made it into proper song) and The End Currently: The Beatles - Here Comes The Sun
  2. Anyway, good stuff I still wonder about death system...
  3. who would've believed even funcroc can be beaten to it!
  4. I think they're having huge family quarrel, LA wanting to keep the whole thing secret while EA wanted to create some prebuzz for the title
  5. *puffs his pipe*
  6. Warcraft are strategy gaems, they can't be made into MMORPG yeahh!!1q1!!1
  7. I just realized... is that Never Gonna Give You Up they're playing? if it is... Best rickroll evarr
  8. they didn't provide link when I found the article There's a lot quotes that weren't seen in other sources
  9. Yeah, that ****ing annoys me too. (what's the problem with AP for you SW?) I've concluded long ago smaller the company more you can trust the reviews. Same with european reviewers, simply because finnish or swedish or french magazine doesn't cover as big amount of readers as english media do. Meaning not enough reason to pump tons of money for them. Well, it's not like I trust reviews completely unless they come from Pelit (and even Pelit should change the guy who nowadays reviews RPG's. He's such a Bio-fan it is sickening. Other reviewers are ace though) And let's face it...Americans are obsessed with success. Esp. financial one.
  10. Well, my Fallout Collection had UK versions of game so I had to download american patch and the children patch
  11. That wouldn't be only Mandy Wars then however Besides people know how **** turns out in JCW - they want new stuff, new stories, new enemies etc. All which TS provide. Developers are also a lot more free to improvise and make **** up
  12. Yeah, MMOs suck at storytelling and have zero roleplaying But face it, it's not like such things matter when cash is considered. True Sith conflict would work better than Mandalorian Wars (too) on the basis both sides can have force users just fine
  13. yeah, that made me go WTF as well *shrug* What's even more WTF is the fact how previewers swoon over Fallout 3 graphics which are clearly worse It's great to see some previewers are all gaga over this and others are more skeptical (yet acknowledging the interesting concept). No "bribes" by SEGA in other words
  14. All of those are perfectly answerable (in fact even in more easier and straight forward manner) in MMO edit: In fact True Sith rampage is perfect milieu for MMO
  15. True, Mandalorian Wars is the only fickle hope for those wanting K3 If it doesn't take place in Mandalorian Wars... well, that's it And what are these oh so precious "questions" you need K3 for?
  16. "simple" Batlefield games? BF1942 is best blind purchase of my life DICE rocks, even though they're swedes
  17. Nice, sounds like big improvement over Deus Ex model while being essentially same
  18. You forgot my main example: They're working on a ****ing Sonic game
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