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Everything posted by Xard

  1. And 300 % in the end if I remember right
  2. Yeah :D About that fighter thing...A: Republic own fighters were destroyed B: Sith got Battle meditation In LS ending, Republic pwns sith fighters and warships. It is all about Battle Meditation. What does this do with topic anyway? DS pwns
  3. Maybe he's "working" on a woman. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> perhaps a female sith assasin <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Hey, I was about say that!
  4. Off-topic: That was Yuuzhan Vong ship
  5. Another Revan or Exile propably. My first Revan was Xard Zahn
  6. SICK Visas is quite sexy with her mystical appereance, handmaiden is hot if you forget hair, and Mira is...red-head. So Mira and Handmaiden are best. But if I've to choose between them, i choose Handmaiden
  7. I beat him normally in lvl 4. I use best energy shields and melee
  8. He is gathering mesages to get next level ^_^
  9. Like it has been said, DS would shoot through them and blow SF up. And it would do it too quickly for battered with thousands of ships. SF isn't THAT fast
  10. Rammstein - Album: Sehnsucht
  11. Yes it DOES. And TSLRP isn't just a MOD. It is Deux Ex Machina to this game, saving it from mediocrism with restoring original ending and such. Without TSLRP this game kind of...well...it's mediocre, nothing but weaker sequel to winner of 30b est game awards. edit: loading times are much faster in pc
  12. Aye The SF:ers (lol, new term) fail to realize one point. This isn't about what you like more, this is about FACTS. To me SF and DS are equal when it comes to question which one you like more, but this isn't about that. There are no way SF can win DS.
  13. PC gets TSLRP first and KSE too. Of course game runs little bit smoother in pc
  14. Trenches in SF? Why are we still arguing about this? The facts says yes DS, no to SF <_< edit: Dyan, this is good topic!
  15. There is official ending BECAUSE OF CONTINUITY OF SW UNIVERSE
  16. Big thankya to Wild Storm. Saved me from work to answer all those alleges. BTW, if I can snap those sith fighters easily with Ebon Hawk, so does some thousands of "MODERN" turbolazers. And SF isn't that fast. SF has better archithecture? It is some 25,000 years old (if not older) during the Empire time. (if it would've survived to that time)
  17. I was lolling by myself before that. That Long Live the 15 Year Olds! - cracked me up.
  18. Umm, not expecially jedi. His enemies and those who could "unstabilize galaxy" (sounds like goto) like corrupted governors etc.
  19. Bigger LOL This is just too fun...Bastila rules btw
  20. Gah, fanatics fans...They see what they want to see. Let's see...how can SF defeat Death star? A) With its defence? No. Just some turbolazers and such. Bah B) Mass producting ships to attack? Nope, only way to destroy DS was that hole. What it was anyway... Well, DS had its own navy, with NEWER and BETTER weapons, shields etc. than some 4,000 BBY crappy ships The sith fighters died with one or two shots C) Mass producting ships to cover? Nope, Death Star's superlazer would just go through them and to SF. BOOM D) SF is more useful than DS in war with its never ending resources, but this is about FIGHT. E) Sf can't product Death Stars. Heck, it is about same size, if not bigger! F) About sith warships attacking again... They are so old technology, that DS's shields would stop most of the shots. And DS has GREAT defence. Palpy and Vader wannabees! WTF! <_< edit: G) If you say that SF could destroy DS with whole sith navy (which it propably would) backup, then Ds has it right to back up too. Star Destroyes and especially Executor would just PWN the whole Sith navy
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