Gah, fanatics fans...They see what they want to see.
Let's can SF defeat Death star?
A) With its defence? No. Just some turbolazers and such. Bah
B) Mass producting ships to attack? Nope, only way to destroy DS was that hole. What it was anyway... Well, DS had its own navy, with NEWER and BETTER weapons, shields etc. than some 4,000 BBY crappy ships The sith fighters died with one or two shots
C) Mass producting ships to cover? Nope, Death Star's superlazer would just go through them and to SF. BOOM
D) SF is more useful than DS in war with its never ending resources, but this is about FIGHT.
E) Sf can't product Death Stars. Heck, it is about same size, if not bigger!
F) About sith warships attacking again... They are so old technology, that DS's shields would stop most of the shots. And DS has GREAT defence.
Palpy and Vader wannabees! WTF! <_<
edit: G) If you say that SF could destroy DS with whole sith navy (which it propably would) backup, then Ds has it right to back up too. Star Destroyes and especially Executor would just PWN the whole Sith navy