As DS end is very funny. I watch jedis and disciples to fight, then I come and pwn survivors with my neat-o-saber
Pure gold.
And throwing those annoying jedi weaklings to those bottomles pits in last level
Plot of the game is total crap, otherwise it is gold
They are same person you know... " And it was Vader who killed Palpy, not Luke. Pwned Jedis, Republic and Separatists? Better word would be MANIPULATE
Oh, and Palpatine would won.
Ajunta Pall's force ghost was one of these "EU mistakes". There wasn't episode three when Kotor was published, so Bio couldn't know whole force ghost concept
Wannabe Galactic Overlord Malak: I don't like pudding!
Mysterious Stranger: Could he be Revan? "I dont give comments"
Slaughter at Manaan: Selkath population was murdered by crazed Mysterous Stranger
Easy. TS promised war that is nothing like any war before. Easy to lure bloodlust mandalorians with promising great fights... And tests to their fightning skills. Canderous says this in k1
You might want to check out this old topic. There are few quotes from k1: How old is True Sith plot?
(don't worry, I'm coming back to most powerful jedi topic. I'll post propably at friday in there. I'm too lazy to start making so fricking long message today " )
It was probably done by some Ancient Sith Ritual, similar to how Darth Maul was resurrected in some EU book.
N-CANON, not EU. Luckily...
Hmh, that Dragonlance guy. Isn't it Brightblade? Well, last time when I read DL it was few years ago so I can be wrong too. Still, I could swear that it was Brightblade